Just some stupid incorrect quotes :)

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A/n: Hiii! So I currently have about 17 drafts saved because I can't seem to stick to one long enough but I'm almost complete like 4 so hopefully I'll have them done soon. But for now, have some stupid incorrect quotes I came up with using DSMP members:)
~ Sam <3

Dream, kissing Technos cheek: I love you
Techno: what is this?
Dream: affection.
Techno: ew
Techno: do it again.

*in bed*
Dream: you awake, Tech?
Techno: what do you want
Dream: if a normal pig and a guinea pig had a baby, would it be called a piggy-er guinea pig?
Techno, smirking: if you and I had a baby, would it get my beauty and your late night thoughts? Or would it get your beautiful body and my late night murder thoughts?
Dream, blushing: I don't know how to feel about this..
Techno, kissing Dreams shoulder: go to sleep, love
Dream, mumbling: I hate you


Wilbur: hey, what's up?
Techno: I've been having heart pains lately
Wilbur: really? When did this start?
Techno: about three-
Wilbur, smirking: no, not the pain. You having a heart. Didn't think you had one
Techno: Wilbur I'll give you thirty seconds to get out of my sight


George: everyone shut up!
George, answering the phone: hey, mum
Charlie Slimesicle: HIIIII GEORGESSSSS MOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!
Dream, whimpering dramatically: George come back to bed I miss you!
Sapnap, making various moaning sounds: oh Dream!
Bad, trying to shut Sapnap up: tell her I said hi!
Quackity: someone pass the weed!
Tommy, screaming many, many curse words: FUCK YOU!
Wilbur, holding back a laugh: PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON


Wilbur: wanna hear the best joke ever?
Phil: go on
Wilbur: my life! Because my life is a joke!
Phil: Wil, don't say that
Wilbur: wow. That's swee-
Phil, picking dirt from his nails: it has to be funny to be a joke.


Techno, falling downstairs:
Dream, catching techno: I think you just..
Techno: Dream, dont.
Dream: fell for me
Techno: put me down.


Dream, obviously tired and out of breath: hey, sorry I'm late. I was doing.. stuff
Sapnap, walking up behind Dream, out of breath and fixing his bandana: I'm stuff
George: oh- my god


Dream, yawning:
Sapnap: yeah, being pretty must be tiring.
Dream, smirking: then you must be exhausted
Sapnap, hiding a blush: stop


Dream and George, staring at each other:
Sapnap: do you smell that?
Karl, sniffing the air: smell what?
Sapnap, pointing to Dream and George: the sexual tension


Dream: I wanna kiss you
Techno: okay, anything else you wanna do?
Tommy, butting in: pass chemistry


Tommy: hey, Wil, do you have a bag I can borrow?
Wilbur: all I have are the bags under my eyes, and they're specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence.
Tommy: literally all you had to do was say no-


Dream: fuck you!
Techno: later. Now listen you little-


Dream, trying to nail something to a wall:
Sapnap: it's literally not that hard just pound it into the wall!
Dream, turning to him: I'll make you hard and pound you into a wall how about that?

Small a/n: good god

Dream: yeah, and- what the hell is that on your neck?
Karl, blushing furiously: just a bug bite is all..
Sapnap, walking into the room: so now I'm a bug?


Tubbo and Tommy, playing just dance: 🕺🏼🕺🏼
Tommy, winning: FUCK YEAH!
Tubbo, losing but getting the most 'awesome's: HOW? LITERALLY HOW?!
Tommy, laughing: HAHAHA!! YOU STUPID SON OF A-
Phil: can you both shut up it's three in the morning


Phil: I've never made any jokes before
Tommy: well I mean, you made Wilbur-
Wilbur: Tommy I'll kill you
Phil, dying of laughter: T-Techno help your brother

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