Brotherly Love {~Platonic Wilbur and Techno~}

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"Techno, can you give me sparing lessons?" A whiny voice spoke. "Tech, we have to organize another syndicate meeting," a wise, older voice mentioned. "We need to build a base somewhere else. Dream knows where we are now." A softer, more feminine voice declared. "I- Techno? Are you listening?"

Techno, listen to Phil. He's right. Tommy's weak, though, he could use the lessons. I mean, he is our younger brother? BLOOD! BLOOD! Who- Niki knows what she's talking about. Dream knows where we live, Dream is dangerous. Oh shut it. We need a syndicate meeting. But Tommy is only 16, he could get killed! Blood for the blood god!! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! Where did you come from? DEATH! BLOOD! KILL SOMEONE, KILL SOMEONE NOW!! No! Goodness no! We just need to organize a simple meeting- I agree with the other ones. Kill! Blood! Blood for the blood god! E E E E E E E E E E-

"Just shut up!" Techno screamed, firing his half eaten piece of bread at the wall, his hands flying over his ears. "I- I-" he stuttered, falling against a wall and slowly sliding down. His legs pulled up to his chest, and his arms wrapped around them as tightly as possible. Techno could feel everyone's eyes on him, he knew that they were confused by the sudden outburst. Phil kneeled in front of his son, placing his hand on Technos knee which caused him to flinch. "Hey, Techno, it's okay, You're okay, just try to drown them out," the bucket hat wearing man said softly, which earned a glare and a quiet "leave me alone" from Technoblade.

Phil sighed and stood up, Tommy deciding to trust his luck as well. He walked over to his oldest brother and sat besides him. Technos head fell to Tommy's shoulder, and he took that as progress. "Not ready to talk big man?" Tommy asked, leaning further into the wall. Technos head shook quite violently, and Tommy nodded.

    A few minutes passed, and Technos head was back tucked into his knees. Tommy sighed and stood up, looking at his friends with a 'what now' expression. They all shrugged, and Niki walked over to kneel in front of the pink haired man. "Techno? Hey, can you look at me?" She whispered, placing her hand on his leg. He shook his head which made the many earrings on his large ears shake and dink together. She sighed and groaned silently, standing and walking back to her peers. "What can we do, Techno?" Ranboo spoke to the older male.

    "Wilbur- get- get Wilbur," Technoblade managed to get out, clawing at his head even more then before.

Phil and Ranboo ran off to find the man, Niki and Tommy exchanging glances every so often. The only noises that could be heard were the faint stomach growl from Tommy caused by the lack of breakfast he had eaten, the small sniffles coming from Technoblade, and the soft, suppressed sneezes escaping Nikis throat. "Tech?" Spoke a rather concerned voice. The pink haired males head moved so he was looking at the door, and he visibly relaxed a small bit when he saw the mop of brown hair walking towards him.

Wilbur walks into the room, the other two trailing his heels. His eyes land on his slightly younger brother and he quickly makes his way over to the wall he was sat on, sliding down to sit next to him. Wilburs arms opened, and Techno found himself shuffling so his back was resting against his brothers chest. Wilbur tossed his fingerless gloves to the side and took hold of the rubber band that was keeping Technos hair in the messy bun it was in, gently pulling it out and raking his fingers through the long, tangled, pink mess. Humming the tune of one of his songs, he separated the hair into three parts, weaving them together and crossing them over each other, until a nice long braid formed. He tied it off and wrapped his arms around Technos torso, pulling him back so he was fully rested against him. Wilbur placed a kiss to his brothers temple, and continued humming the tune.

Techno leaned his head into the crook of the others neck, his eyes fluttering shut as he started to calm down. "The voices again?" Wilbur whispered. Techno nodded, pulling his head up to look at Wilbur once more. "What were they saying?" He pressed further, pushing a stray piece of hair in between two of the strands from the braid. "Phil, N-Niki, Tommy a- and Ranboo were tellin' me seventy things at once and the- the voices, they got louder, Wilbur. They've n-never been this bad. They w- want blood. Badly. Make- make it stop, Wilby. Please," he begged,

Wilbur pulled a picture out of his pocket and unfolded it, holding it out for his brother to see. Techno smiled a little once his eyes landed on the picture. It was of all the boys at their parents' wedding. "I miss mom," Techno breathlessly laughed. "We all do, Tech. Now, what would mom do if she were in my position?" Wilbur asked, folding the picture and poking it back into his pocket. "She- she would probably," Technoblade paused. "It's okay, Tech. Say whatever. Dad, Tommy, Niki and Ranboo, can you give us a minute?" Phil nodded and led the other three out of the room, leaving Wilbur and Techno alone.

Techno immediately broke down again, clawing at his head when loud sobs ripped through his throat. Wilbur frowned, his hand finding its way to his brothers back. "Techno," he whimpered, taking the younger mans hands in his own in attempt to stop him scratching at his head. Technoblade lifted his head to look at the brown haired male, tears streaming down his cheeks. "What is it, Tech?" "Mom- I miss mom- and the voices- they do too, and they- they wont shut up, Wilbur! They're so loud, I-I cant even hear myself think! A-and- Wilbur they have never been this bad," the pink haired boy sobbed and looked at his brother. Wilbur sulked, letting a single tear fall down his cheek. He hated seeing his favorite person like this.

Techno wiped both his and the others tears with the hem of his fluffy cape before digging his face into the older brothers neck. "You shouldn't be crying, Wil." The ruby eyed male chuckled sadly, his tears wetting Wilburs neck. Wilbur let out a quiet laugh, nodding and kissing the head of the cape-wearing piglin hybrid. "It'll be okay, Tech. I promise. Just take a few breaths." Wilbur sighed once more, gently lifting his brothers face from his neck and placing his hands on his cheeks. "I love you, Techno. And so does dad, and so does Tommy. And so does Tubbo. And so does mom, even if she isn't here anymore. Andddd, I think that you should come and live with me. At least until your voices calm down for the most part." Wilbur finished, pressing a kiss to The Blades forehead. A small smile was evident on Technoblades face as he nodded softly, a few more tears falling down his cheeks.

"Thank you, Wil. I love you, y'know." "You're welcome, Techno. I love you too."

Hia! It's Sam, I'm just here to thank everyone that read this and all of my other not so great one shots. I genuinely appreciate you all so much, you have no idea. So, thank you!!! <3

Also! Make sure that if you have a request or idea, you message it to me or comment! Don't be scared or anything to message me, I won't bite I promise! If you give me a request through pms and you do not want me to put your username, just let me know and I won't! Thank you all so much! :}

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