I'll Take It

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George's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

The feeling of calmness and being at peace was something rare for me. But even then it was always interrupted shortly after

This time being no different...

"I thought about it and..

Yeah, I kind of do want to be something more than friends. I'm just scarred that if it fails then it will be awkward between the two of us. And I was scarred about the fans and how videos will work out after that... I don't know.

But I realized that, I'm already risking going to jail for you. And honestly it's been fun getting to have all these adventures, even if I felt like I was going to die on one of them. Heh

What I'm trying to say is I guess I want to risk our friendship to be something more, if you still want

You said it yourself, this trip you want to do everything you've always wanted to do. I only now want us to be something more"

He gave me a sincere smile as he waited for my response

I simply starred at him in shock and in awe

Son of a bitch...

Always full of surprises isn't he?

I stifled a laugh as I continued to look at him. He looked at me confused written all over his face as I laughed more

"What are you laughing at?"

"I'm sorry- its just. Ha!"

"You know what forget-"

"NO! No, its just.... I didn't think you were going to tell me this whole sappy speech. Honestly, I was more afraid you were going to tell me that you didn't want to be more than friends. I thought the rest of this trip was going to awkward"

"I'm sorry I made it out to seem that way"

"It's fine, I didn't really think about what I said in that moment"

"Sooo.. Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"WELL.... I'll give you the courtesy of a yes"

We both laughed at my response. I went up to him and hugged him. He seemed caught off guard but hugged me back soon enough

"Now what?"

"UGH... WE HAVE TO WALK BACK TO THE CAR!" I yelled annoyed. I heard Dreams Iconic laugh ring in my ears. For as much as it can be annoying I missed hearing it

"Do you want me to carry you?"


I quickly jumped on his back, him not being at all prepared as he fell down trying to catch himself

"GEORGE! You have to give me a warning!"

We laughed once more getting up. Within a few minutes we were heading back down the trail on our way back to the car


We drove around until we found a place to eat. I got out the car relieved as I was starving

"Oh my god George. Don't you think you're being a little over dramatic?"

I gasped at his words and sent him a glare

"How dare you say such a thing. You're the one practically making me starve out here"

"Yeah, I am"

We snickered before entering the building

It was nice, the scent of pine and vanilla filled the air as we stepped in. It was also a lot warmer than outside


Dream told me to wait in the car as he had to go look for something at one of the shops

I tried convincing him to let me go with him but he said that I needed to rest and that he would be back soon

Dreams POV~~~~~~~~~

I walked to the jewelry store in hopes of finding something

Walking into the store I was greeted by a lady. She gave me a warm smile

"Hello! How can I help you today?"

"Um, im looking for engagement rings?"

"Well, we have some over here. Are you looking for a certain type of style? How soon do you need them?"

"Uhh I kind of just want to see if I can find them now.. if possible"

"Sure thing! We have these. They're our new arrivals"

She showed me a few rings. They looked nice but I didn't have a clue of what to get

"Any catch your eye?"

"I guess these, but I'm not too sure"

"We have some similar designs here"

She pulled another set of rings out. One pair caught my eye

"How much are these?"

"You like them? Let me take a look. These cost 245. But we have a 20 percent off engagement rings today so your total would be about 196"

"Can I see the rings?"

She handed me the rings and I looked at them more closely. They caught my eye because of the design. It was a thin band with a leaf like pattern that had tiny jewels. The band itself was silver and the leaves were gold. There was a small heart diamond in the middle

I thought about it for a little

It looks really nice

The possibility of George liking it is pretty high but then again he's more subtle on things

Then I remembered that when George can he shows off so I mean..

What not let him show this off?

"I'll take it"

She nodded and put the other rings back

"Is the size correct? Wouldn't want it to not fit"

"Uh, yeah it is"

I had asked George after leaving the Diner at the beginning of our trip if he knew his ring size. I know it was a weird question to ask, especially since I wasn't sure about the idea but im here now

I paid for the rings and left. I hid the box in my hoodie before making my way back to my car

I knocked on the window because George had locked the doors

"You scared me!"

"Then pay attention"

"Whatever. Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Huh? Oh yeah"

"What is it?"

"Nothing important, don't worry"

"hmm, okay"

I made my way out of the small town and once again we were back on the road. For as much as I don't mind driving this trip, sometimes it gets boring. Especially when George chooses to fall asleep

The price of this adventure

I'll take it


That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed and ill see you in the next one


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