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Georges POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I got bored in my room as I didn't get any sticky notes back that I had sent to other people on the floor. I decided to head to the gardens as I got bored of editing videos. Having nothing else to do in my room I grabbed my things

Made sure my portable oxygen generator was secure. I sighed a little annoyed about how uncomfortable it was

It wasn't that I didn't use it in England. I just got used to not having it 24/7 for the times I've streamed with face cam

It was difficult but I got used to it and did everything in my power to not look like I'm dying. Now having to wear it while I'm apart of this program I knew everything I worked for to not needing to use it for certain periods was going to go down the drain

Once I finished my small tantrum I left my room. I grabbed my backpack as I left through the door. I took a few steps down the hall with my head hung low. Something in my mind was telling me to look up. I tried to ignore it but it kept bugging me for some reason

I looked up in time to see someone with dirty blonde hair but it looked more brown and yellow eyes talking with the lady behind the desk. He was pretty tall, taller than me and it was obvious

They are probably green eyes not yellow

I heard a familiar chuckle and I paused my steps

There's no way

I locked eyes with the front desk lady I've gotten used to seeing every now and then. I think she could see the panic in my eyes as I looked between her and the guy. Before he could turn around, in a panic daze I ran back to my room. I basically slammed the door closed

I coughed as I slid down the door. I couldn't breathe for a few seconds. I covered my mouth trying to stop coughing. I froze when I heard a knock on my door. I tried my best to suppress my coughs to seem like I wasn't here

"George its me, Kayla" I heard the nurse whisper quietly

"It's just me. Can you please open the door"

I got up from the floor opening the door slightly before heading to sit down on the bed. I kept a hand on my mouth as I continued to try and steady my breathing

"Why did you run away like that? Do you know him by any chance?" She questioned as she grabbed a cup of water for me

"I- I think I do.... but he.. he doesn't know im here" My voice was shaky and I felt a shiver in my spine

"Do... do you know him? I saw you.. two talking"

"Yeah his name's Clay. Not sure if that helps. He's been coming here for almost a year. I would say a regular visitor here"

When she had said his name it made me freeze. I could barely hear what she had said after it. I couldn't believe it

There was no way...

That's way to coincidental

that's like a one in a million chance

"Here's a sticky note from one of the patients you had written to" She handed me a blue sticky note

"If you don't mind me asking. Do you know Clay?"

"Well.... I know someone with the same name..."

"Oh but they look different don't they"

"... no.... That guy.... had the exact same description of the Clay I know..."

"Isn't that a good thing? To have a friend here to come visit you without worrying too much about the distant rule?" She clearly didn't know why I had panicked and I knew she was confused by my sudden reaction to the whole thing

"That's the thing..... The only people that know about my condition are my parents... Im to scared to tell my friends. And plus they are all online friends. I've never really gotten the chance to actually meet them. I don't even know how Clay looks like.. thats why I panicked seeing that guy"

"I see... well I know im not allowed to do this but if it helps... I can give you his last name? A secret between the two of us" She replied a warm smile on her face. She held her pinky out to me and I was honestly so tempted to

"I don't know his last name. He only ever gave me his first name"

"Well then ask him silly"

"Wont that be suspicious"

"Just say you're curious that's all"

"But how exactly would you get his last name? Don't you have to ask him too"

"I've already said he's been coming here to visit a family member of his. I already know his last name from his family member. They are quiet talkative"

"This feels wrong.."

"I'll leave you to think about it then.. If you change your mind just tell me. If you really dont want to know it then I wont pressure you either."

With those final words she left, closing the door behind her. I fell back on the bed. Grateful that it wasn't like stone. I heard a ding come from my phone

I pulled it out to see Dream had texted me

Crap.. he knows

I checked the time in England incase before opening his text


Green Blob:

Hey George, if you aren't tired can we please call

Now he definitely knows

God I'm an idiot



What do you want to talk about?

Green Blob:

I'll explain in call


My phone rang as Dream's contact had popped up. I got tense as I answered it and held the phone to my ear. I sat up on the bed as I heard his voice

"Hey, George"

"Hi clay"

It went silent and it killed me as time went on

"Can you answer truthfully" Worry and sadness were laced in his words. He sighed before I replied

"Uhh yeah sure. What is it?" I knew what was coming and it made me sweat

"Are you in England?"

I paused before answering. I'm the worst at lying and he's my best friend


I gripped the bed sheet as the call fell silent once more

"Where are you?" I could tell he was being careful about his questions. It only made me feel bad

"I..... cant say" I didn't know why... Why I choose to lie to him about it. I knew part of me wanted to tell him I was in Florida but the other part of me wanted him to never know. If I could I would leave on the next plane to England but I knew given the chance I wouldn't take it

"Why not? George you can tell me anything. Nothing will change our friendship"

Something tugged at my heart hearing him say that. It wasn't the part of me lying and him thinking I don't trust him. Of course it hurt hearing it. But it hurt more to hear him say friendship. I wasn't sure why either.

"There's a chance... you will be mad at me if I say... and it will only make my guilt weigh on me more"

"George.... I dont want to force you to tell me... but curiosity is eating me alive right now... I wont be mad I promise"



That's the end of this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in the next

Breathing In Life // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now