NC Waterfalls

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George's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After the Aquarium we went back to the hotel to let Dream take a nap before we continued driving.

I fell asleep in the car as Dream continued to drive to our next adventure. It was nice, a little uncomfortable but if that's the cost for living life then ill take it. But i couldn't keep a thought out of my head.


"y- Yeah?"

"What are we?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean what's our relationship? We've kissed like five times already and I'm so confused"

"Oh, uhh I don't know. I'm just as confused as you"

do you want us to be something more than friends?"

Silence fell after my question. The only sound was the car engine but it didn't help with the deafening silence

I wasn't sure why but my heart sank as the questioned remained unanswered. Small pricks of tears appeared in my eyes as he continued driving

Just say anything


"Do you want us to be?"

It was soft and quiet


And my reply was even quieter. The silence that could kill came back after. I continued to panic thinking i just ruined the rest of our trip

Please say something...


Even if it change's the subject

No matter how much i pleaded the silence remained. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. His face held no emotion. His eyes were glued to the road ahead

I choose to not make the situation worse, so i tried going back to sleep. I laid down with my back facing him. Holding the plushie from the aquarium tightly

I cant say the tears i had started to collect didn't fall. Just a few. I doubt he noticed them

Now i couldn't sleep. As the conversation replayed in my head and the silence remained

At this point I wished i could go back and just not say anything. Rather keeping my confused dilemma to myself

Dream's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was lost. To say the least...

I didn't reply to him because i didn't know how. On one hand yeah that seems pretty logical especially if i go with this Penelope lady to help George. But on the other was it worth risking our friendship like that?

George means a lot to me. He's part of the trio, we don't work without the three of us. If being something more end's up badly then having to record videos or even being live everyone will know about it. They will be able to sense the tense atmosphere and ask questions

I don't want to risk having to lose George because of what's going on between us right now

God am i stupid


I stopped at a gas station and i contemplated waking up George. He looked peaceful sleeping even with dried tears

Well I already ruined things

Haven't I?

I left him alone and went to go pay

"Do you know of any place's around here that would be a nice spot to take pictures?"

"Hmm, well i heard that Nantahala National Forest is a nice place to visit. Its has some really pretty waterfalls"


I got back to the car after getting snacks for mainly George. Even if he's not awake now i know he's going to want something and i don't plan on stopping until we get to that park


George's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and tried to ask where we were. Dream said it was a surprise and that i would see soon. I kind of panicked as i watched the trees pass by

And he's going to kill me isn't he?

Paranoid i continued to watch the tree's pass by, one after another with the radio silently playing in the background

After a few more minutes we passed a welcome sign. We were at some park

"Are we going to walk? You do realize i have lung problems right?"

I looked at Dream confused as he parked the car. He looked at me and realization fell on his face

"Oh shit. I'm sorry... I'll carry you if you need me to"

I felt my face heat up at his suggestion. After our conversation of early i hated myself for that reaction

"You better mean that idiot" I laughed as i got out. I tried not making a big deal out of it as it seemed he wanted nothing to do with our conversation earlier

We walked at such a slow pace it got annoying having him tell me to walk faster

"I CAN'T! Do you want me to die?"

"Oh my god GEORGE!"

"It's your fault you brought me here in the first place"

"sigh, alright that's it im carrying you. Get on"

I laughed as he kneeled in front of me with his back facing me

"Alright but don't complain about me being heavy"

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he slowly stood up. He held onto my legs as he finally stood up. I laughed about the situation

"I'm carrying you so you don't stop breathing on me but if you keep laughing then there's no point in this"

"I- can't. It's just- too funny"

I tried to suppress my laugh as he sped walked through the trail

Every now and then I tried taking pictures of the tree's or wild flowers near the trail

Soon reaching a waterfall. I got off Dream and ran to the waterfall. He yelled at me for running but i didn't care as i snapped pictures of it

"cough, cough"

"I tried to warn you"

"Shut, cough, cough, it"

I covered my mouth as i continued to cough. I tried my best to stop and even sat on the floor incase

After a few seconds it stopped and we continued on with the trail


We made it to another waterfall. This one being surprisingly empty. We caught our breathes as i took a picture of it. It was silent between the two of us

The leaves that rustled in the light wind being the only sound around us. Along with a few chirps from birds. It was peaceful and i enjoyed it

That is until he spoke. And my heart dropped

"George... About our conversation earlier. When you asked if i wanted us to be something more..."


I felt panic rise within me as he brought it up again

"I thought about it and..."


A cliff hanger HA, no I'm joking. (I'm not laughing I know the pain) But that is the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed and ill see you in the next one


Breathing In Life // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now