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Clay's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When i had gone to the desk to hand the sticky note my mom gave me, I decided to have a quick talk with Kayla. She was often here after I left my mom's room. She's been here as long as my mom was placed here. She made things more calming around here

She seemed to have locked eyes with something or more like someone. I could see she was worried about something. From the corner of my eye i could see someone standing still

Like a deer in headlights

I turned around but by then the person ran into a room. I thought I was seeing things, but i could've sworn i saw George.. I shook my thought away and looked back at Kayla who had a worried look

"Who was that?"

"Umm.. Don't take this the wrong way but i don't think they want you to know. By the looks of things but if you want i can ask. They easily could have mistaken you for someone else. I'm sorry Clay but i need to go make sure they are okay"

"No its fine. I'll just be heading"

With that we went our separate ways

~~~~~~~Back to were we last left off~~~~~~~~~~~

George's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"umm.... you sure you wont be mad?"

"George I full heartedly promise i wont be mad at you"

"I'm..... im in florida" I whispered shutting my eyes as if it would help... the call going silent for the fifth time already

"You're what? i couldn't hear you"

"Im.. in... florida" I replied again slowly. I felt tears prickle my eyes daring to fall down. I didn't let it happen until i heard his response

I felt my heart sank the more i waited for him to say something.. At this point anything.... Even angry words, anything.... but it was just complete silence

"You... ran away didn't you" the hush tone he spoke had made a few tears fall down my face

"yeah" once more my voice was broken. I started shaking as nothing else was said between us... I could feel the heat of the sun pouring into the room as it was setting... I didn't need to see color to know it was beautiful to others. But in the moment i couldn't face the window. I couldn't ruin the one thing people find so beautiful in this moment

The sound of the call ending is what made me break down in tears. I felt the waves of tears come crashing down. They poured down like a waterfall

I screamed without a second thought of where i was. Hearing him end the call felt so much worse than almost suffocating. I heard my door swung open but i didn't pay attention as i couldn't breathe anymore. I didn't care at this point

I've ruined the one thing that saved me and kept me going

I felt a needle poke my arm and i few hiccup's later i ended up passing out. The darkness clouded my thoughts

Dream's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~


His voice sounded broken. Like he was so closed to breaking down. I was the one thing that was stopping him from completely breaking down

I wasn't sure what to say. I felt hurt that he didn't tell me. The words my mom said early stuck with me. He was selfless and it shows. I couldn't believe he was actually here. He was in arm's reach and i was still in the hospital parking lot doing nothing

I had finally gotten the chance to meet him and i was doing nothing to achieve it

I didn't think about what i was doing. I might have seemed crazy but i just started running. I ended the call and ran. I ran faster than i ever had in my entire life. I ran passed people in the halls. I ran up the stairs because i knew the elevators took too long

By the time i reached one of the highest levels of the hospital i was out of breathe. My chest was in pain and it felt like my legs were going to give out any time soon. I pushed the door open and ran to the desk

"IT"S GEORGE. HIS NAMES GEORGE ISNT" I yelled panicked. Karla looked at me in shock at my presence


"THE GUY. I know him, it's George! Can i please see him?" I was so close to collapsing

"Clay, it's past visiting ours and you're being really loud. There are people trying to sleep"

"I'm sorry but i really need to see him. What room is he in?"

"Listen... something happened to him, he's currently sleeping. Even if you wanted to see him he isn't going to wake up until the injection wears off. You are going to have to come back tomorrow during visiting hours"

"What injection?"

"You know I don't have the authority to tell you what happened. Just know he's stable but he isn't going to wake up for a while. Please Clay can you go home. If you want i can call you when I'm on the morning shift so you can see him earlier"

"sigh, Fine"

She nodded sadly as she couldn't help me. I didn't want to cost her, her job so I left with that

How dumb am I?

I probably caused him to have a heart attack or something

I walked away from the hospital with my head hung low. Curiosity was no longer eating me instead it was guilt

I tried to brush it off as i entered my car but i couldn't

I sighed, placing my head on the wheel. I really just messed up the first time meeting him didn't I


George's POV~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up with something on my face. I sat up from the bed to see they had put an oxygen mask on me. My head hurt as I called for a nurse. I couldn't remember much of what had happened

Soon I saw Melissa enter the room

"You're awake thank goodness. You made everyone worried yesterday"

"What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

I shook my head as she checked my blood pressure

"Well... "

That's the end of this chapter! Crazy? Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in the next

Breathing In Life // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now