Excitement and fear

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Dreams POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I felt bad for George. It sounded like something serious but at the same time it sounded like he was hiding something from us

"I-  I can't exactly say where I'm going. But you guys don't need to worry. I'll be okay. I really doubt that they will allow me screaming where im going" He explained to us, a nervous chuckled at the end

"Please don't worry too much for me. Im fine really... I'm not exactly sure how long I will be gone for but I don't think it will be long enough to run out of videos. If it comes to that then I will just say im taking a break until I get back"

The atmosphere was weird. It wasn't our usual comfortable silence or chaotic yelling

"Alright then, when should we record?" Sapnap asked no longer playful tone

"I think tomorrow, if you guys are free" George replied. Sapnap simply said sure before saying he had to go. We said our goodbyes and once he left the call was silent once again

"George are you sure you are okay? You can tell me if something's going on"

The silence that fell after was tense

"It's nothing.. really" Without wanting to force him to tell me whats going on I just let it go


"I have to go. Talk to you tomorrow Dream" We exchanged good byes before he left the VC

I sat there on my PC wondering what was going on with George. I worried that something bad happened but I have to respect his privacy. He clearly didn't want to talk about


George's POV~~~~~~~~

I spent about two week's recording with Sapnap and Dream. This week I was heading off to Florida and I couldn't help but be filled with worry and excitement

I panicked because I've never been on a plane before. Much less stuck in one for nine hours. But then again I had the ability to finally say I've been to America

I wished I had the chance to visit the places I've dreamed of visiting. Sadly, I was going to be stuck in a hospital for who knows how long.

Just hope they give me enough freedom like the the hospital here

Otherwise I will be throwing a tantrum

I laughed at the idea

I continued packing my bags. Some filled with cloths and others filled with decorations. I knew I was going to be there for a while so I wanted to make it feel like home as much as possible

I can only wish that I don't get caught in the hospital or recognized by any fans


Today was the day we were going to Florida and I couldn't stop my fear's and excitement from running wild. I bounced each step I took in the airport. My mom following close behind. I could see that she was just as excited and worried as I was. If not more

The only reason she's going with me is because she doesn't want me to be alone in a hospital for who knows how long. She herself also saw the opportunity to get to visit America

She had promised me that she was going to get as much merchandise from the Disney park and The wizarding world of harry potter park while she was there. I thanked her for her kind gesture as I tried telling her she didn't have to

Once they called our plane we made our way through the tiny hallway. We quickly found our seats. I sat next to the window with my mom sitting on my left. I felt panicked as the flight attendant explained what to do in case the plane crashed

My mom held my hand and yes I now that sound's like I'm a child but you cant blame someone who has a disease, is colorblind, and has never been on a plane before

now can you?


Once we reached altitude she left go of my hand. I watched the clouds for a while before I started over thinking about the plane crashing. I tried my best to fall asleep but it was uncomfortable

I would go in and out of sleep and once I gave up it had only been two hours of the nine hour plane ride



Once we landed in Florida I got more scarred. I hadn't been noticed by a fan by the looks of it so far. I can only hope my luck is still here

We grabbed out bags from the conveyor belt and quickly made our way to the pick up area. The hospital had explained that they were going to send us someone to pick us up at the airport since they knew we were coming all the way from England and we didn't have family over here.

Once we found the car we drove around Orlando. I looked at all the places we passed by amazed by it all. However, i wasn't a big fan of the heat. I felt the heat of the sun when we were looking for the car

I hoped the hospital had good air conditioning or I'm going to melt away instead

Soon enough we reached the hospital. My mom did most of the talking and organizing of my papers. I mean she knew what she was doing more than me. I'm not at fault for this either. She wouldn't let me do my own paperwork unless i had to sign something because she said i already had enough to worry about

A nurse had showed us where i would be staying. She told me which rooms held the other people who had agreed to the program as well. She gave me the distance rule as well which i already knew by heart. I've spent roughly half, if not more, of my life in a hospital with other people with the same disease. I was quiet aware of the distance rule

She soon left me to my room. I placed my bags near the door before looking out of the window. I was close to the top floor of the hospital. It was a pretty view and i was grateful for it.

Now how am i suppose to decorate this room?


That's the end of this chapter! I'm amazed if anyone is actually reading this crap. I'm thankful no matter what. Anyways, I hope you guy's enjoyed, and I'll see you all next chapter


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