Chapter 18

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Auroras eyes widened as she strained to make out the features of the man across the room from her.

But she couldn't mistake that familiar glint of mischief in his bright blue eyes.

The small group of giggling women shrieked hysterically, high pitch and annoying as they laughed at one of the man's jokes.

One reached up touching his bicep and trying to lay her head on his shoulder, he seemed to stiffen and started squirming and quickly pushed her off muttering some sort of excuse and began to walk away pushing through the crowd.

"I- I um- i- if you excuse me, I-im gonna get a drink" Aurora murmured not even glancing at the three as she unlinked her arm from Tom who watched her with confusion as she melted into the crowd.

She started to weave her way between the sparkling dresses and bubbly chatting, following the bobbing head of unruling black hair. She kept her eyes trained on her target as well as she could but slowly the crowd was slowing her down and she began to drown into the crowd and the head seemed to blend in with all others.

Her eyes darted round and round as she continued to run forward into the next room that seemed even more packed with people as the violin music chimed in her ears.

Her heart best became a little quicker as she felt as if the crowd was closing in around her like a cage that she could not escape from. The feeling of anxiouness began to churn in her stomach as she tried to escape to the sides of the room but they were still cramped with people the only place free of humans was the top of the piano being played methodically through the air.

She walked quickly swallowing her fear best she could but her eyes still darted around, her palms sweating but something stopped her.

Someone had grabbed onto her wrist tightly and she peered back trying to snatch her hand back.

Her eyes net with a grinning man about 26 with neat blonde hair and charming yet slightly off green eyes.

"Care for a dance sweetheart?" He asked. "I-um I'm sorry I dont dance" Aurora explained trying to pull herself out of his grip bet he insisted keeping his hand coiled around her tight

"Aw come on sweetie just one dance" he continued trying to drag her back through the crowd. "No really i- " "just a few songs" "dont you understand the word no? Or are you just a blonde bimbo who's so dense he can't understand a two letter word" Aurora growled tugging her arm again but the man didnt let go, his grin widening disturbingly.

"Ow, ouch doll that was harsh. But I like em fiesty" he smirked tugging her harshly agian trying to grasp at her with his other hand.

"I swear on salazars grave if you dont get you disgusting sweaty hands off me In the next 3 seconds I'm going to rip one of your fingers off and shove it up your nose till It comes up your fucking eye" she yelled pulling back one of the mans fingers and he yelled in pain.

"why you little-" "hey hey hey, the lady said no Steven's" a deep voice came from behind Aurora and the mans eye looked up over her grinding his teeth.

"Why dont you fuck off and mind your own business po-" "I said let her go. Or do you want to go to prison for attempted sexual assault?" The man asked bluntly.

The bloke growled letting go of Auroras wrist and she quickly pulled it back rubbing the red Mark's he had made into her skin. The man gave one last glare to the man behind Aurora before glaring at her and turning to leave and sauntered doff into the crowd.

Aurora felt a warm hand on her shoulder as she watched the man retreat her own hand on her heart as she tried to calm her beating heart. Twice in one day, fucking hell.

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