^don't want them thinking i've gone soft?^

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. It's not as bad as I thought here." He said as he looked around and Max took this time to study him. He wore a simple grey shirt with a bomber jacket over it and light blue jeans. His shoes were dirty and worn, she could tell they were hand-me-downs. His brown hair was perfectly combed back. Very...normal for a place like this.

Max listened as some students walked by on the path not to far away from them.


"Someone should warn the new kid."


"They're still scared of me." Scott said looking back at the two girls. "Hey, I have special glasses now!" He yelled to the kids as they walked by, thinking they were talking about him.

Max rolled her eyes with a small smile as she chuckled under her breath before saying, "They're not scared of you. They're scared of us." Scott turned back and looked at her, admiring her closer than he had before. Her black, or at least dark hair from what he could tell, was neatly brushed over her shoulders with her bangs curling in slightly. Her red, a little bit, puffy jacket that hung off her shoulders a bit and a long sleeve black shirt underneath with a fish net pattern around the collar.

"You're not the only one who can't fully control your powers

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"You're not the only one who can't fully control your powers." Jean said a little self consciously.

"So wait...when last night, when the house shook...that was you?" Scott asked hesitantly.

"Sorry to break it to you, but you're not the biggest freak in the school." Max said with a small smirk as she could see that Scott was being nice and asking nicely.

Scott chuckled a little and tilted his head to the side, saying, "Well, that's a first." He was quiet for a second before asking nervously, "Can we...start over? My first impression wasn't great."

Jean and Max looked at each other like the were considering saying no before the redhead leaned over and whispered in her friends ear, covering her mouth with her hand to block him from seeing even though she was saying gibberish. The black haired girl kept a straight face as she could see Scott's almost worried face out of the corner of her eye but she could see him try and keep his 'cool kid' face up. She knew he was a dork from the minute she saw him.

"Alright." He smiled at them, "Only because your first impression made you seem like more of a douche than you are so."

Before Scott could say anything about her douche comment, Jean interrupted, "I'm Jean, Jean Grey."

"And I'm Maxine, but I prefer Max." She stuck out her hand to him from her seat on the ground. Scott smiled at her and shook her hand, swearing to himself that he could feel sparks run up his spine when their hands touched.

^Devil May Care^ Scott SummersWhere stories live. Discover now