Chapter 2

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Marinette's POV

She pulled away and she signed her name. 

'Cass is my name. Yours?'


'We do want to help you but only if you allow us.'

'I will try to trust you as much as I can. I have issues with that. Sorry.'

She shook her head. 'Don't be sorry. I have trust issues as well. Don't worry you are not alone.'

'Thank you.'

'Your welcome. If you don't mind me asking some questions, can I?'

'...Sure. If I don't answer some they are probably to personal.'

She nodded. 'Understood. Were you born in Gotham?' 


'Why did you leave?'

'Me and my sister got adopted by a couple in France.'

'Ok. What happened in Paris that caused you to be mostly mute?'

'...stuff that is a bit more personal than I would like to talk about.'

'Understood. Did you and your sister moved from orphanages a lot?'

'Yes. We would escape from one and get put in another one. We would never spend more than 3 days in one orphanage.'

'Ok. So you didn't like being put in orphanages and you were adopted. How did you meet Jason?'

'We met Jason on the streets. He acted like a big brother to us and showed us the best places to hide and how to steal food and how to keep warm. He always helped me when we were hurt like when I had a panic attack he would be there to calm me down. The main reason why I didn't want to leave was because of hi but left because I didn't want my sister and friends to be alone.'

'Who is your sister?'

'The girl at the table that looks almost exactly like me. Her name is Bridgette and she is younger than me by 20 minutes.'

 'Ok. That is all the questions I had because I don't want to make you uncomfortable.'

'Thanks, Cass'

'You're welcome, Marinette'

She gave me a quick hug and walked back to her seat and I went and sat next to Alix and Kagami. They quickly looped me in their conversation and I verbally answered a few time and let out a laugh once or twice. 

I noticed Jason smiling at us and I inwardly smiled. My phone rang and I grabbed it. The caller ID said 'Mom'. I excused my self from the table and went into the other room. I answered the call and put the volume higher. 


"Marebear! Did you arrive and Gotham, okay?"

"Yes. Is everything okay?"

"Yes. Actually everything is fantastic. Plagg has to do a business deal in Gotham and I convinced him to let me go and now we can come and see you!"

"That awesome! I'll let Bri know."

"Thank you. Also, Plagg wants to know if you or Bri want to come to the meeting so you can get the used to the company if you or Bri want to take over. If not, that it always okay too. I don't want to force you into something you don't want." 

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