Chapter 6

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Marinette's POV

We arrived at Gotham Academy and I stare at it. It was huge. It was well over double the size of our school. I grabbed my sketchbook and started making notes for outfits. I put my sketchbook away because of the stares I was getting from the class and I switched to a tiny notepad. 

We climbed out and Damian was standing at the doorway with another boy, he had messy black hair and blue eyes and glasses. He was Superboy. Glasses aren't much of a disguise for people who actually have brain cells. 

I swear, I know people are idiots, my class being proof of that, but you can't expect everyone to have no brain cells.  I look at Chloe and see a faint blush on her cheeks and she was staring at the boy next to Damian. 

I giggle softly and Damian speaks up. "My name is Damian and I will be one of your tour guides today." "My name is Jon! I will be your other tour guide. Please don't wander off. Gotham Academy is pretty big and it is very east to get lost." 

They started the tour and I swear the thing looked bigger from the inside than from the outside. I kept writing down ideas as they showed us around. It was huge. The classrooms had at least 30 desks in each and they all had computers on top of them with a piece of paper. 

I am going to ask Mom and Dad if I can move to Gotham for the rest of the school year. We are going to have to leave around 2 PM because me and Bri have to pick up Mom and Dad from the airport. We also need to get a Taxi to our mansion to get the motorcycles. 

The cafeteria was much better than the one at our school. They had an ice cream machine with chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. They had a large selection of food and they had more drinks that just milk, water and apple juice. They had a vending machine with sodas and candy and snacks!

"Mar, do you think Mom and Dad will let us spend the rest of the school year here?" "I'm they would if we convince them." Bri nods and we continue with the tour. The gym was huge and they taught self defense because this is Gotham. You need to know self defense. 

They did a bunch of things that they didn't do and Paris and the teachers weren't idiots! They taught good and they shut down bullies the moment they saw them! I really need to transfer here. 

And I know self defense so, I know how to defend myself pretty good but a refresher doesn't hurt. I felt stares from my class during the tour and I stayed next to Bri the entire time and occasionally going to Chloe to ask for her advice on an outfit. 

I checked the time on my phone and it said 1:30 PM. I needed to leave with Bri to get to the airport. I quickly walked to Jon and Damian and tapped their shoulder. "Um, me and my sister need to go because we need to pick up our parents at the airport."

"Um, okay. The tour is going to be over soon. Can it wait?" "No, we have to pick them up at 2." "Ok. You can go." "Can one of you show us where the front door is? I'm not quite sure how to get back." "Damian can show you." I give them a small smile and quickly go back to Bri. 

"Alright. I got the pass. Damian is going to show us to the front door." She nodded and I waved Damian over. He walked with us to the front door and I smiled at him. "Thank you, for showing us where the door is." 

"Your welcome. Just curious, why do you need to pick up your parents from the airport?" "Because they came to Gotham for a business deal." "Business deal?" "Out parents are Plagg and Tikki Noir. You can't tell anybody though." 

He looks shocked but nods. "I promise." "Thanks Dami. Bye!" "Bye Angel." I quickly turn around and blush from the nickname. 

I swear I had to have a crush on him. "Alright. Lets see if we can flag down a taxi and they can take us to the house." She nods and we quickly go to the street and in less than 5 minutes she was able to flag down a taxi. 

"Where do you ladies need to go?" "We need to go to this address. And step on it." He nods and started driving. We arrived at the Manor is 15 minutes and I open my wallet give him a 100 dollar bill and me and Bri climb out of the taxi. 

He drives away and me and her run into the house and go to the garage and climb on 2 motorcycles that have a 2nd seat. We grab our helmets and I switch my jacket for a leather one with a hoodie and she does the same. 

We drive out of the garage and make our way to the airport. We park the motorcycles in the private parking after we pay to park there and we run inside. We see a group of reporters and we see Mom and Dad in the middle of the swarm. 

We run over and I cup my hands around my mouth. "MOM! DAD!" They look at us and smile from ear to ear. I tackle Mom and Bri tackles Dad. "Hey guys!" I hug Dad and Bri hugs Mom. "Mr. and Mrs.Noir! Are these your kids?" "Yes. These are out twin girls." 

There were a frenzy of lights and I hide my face with my hood and keep my head down. In the corner of my eye, I can see Bri doing the same thing. Mom and Dad don't mind the press knowing about us they just don't want them to know what we look like. 

They didn't want us to be constantly hounded by the press. "We need to be going. Thank you!" I grab Mom's hand and me and Bri lead them to wear we parked the motorcycles. "Oh brother. They brought there motorcycles." We laugh at my dad and he sits behind Mom and Bri behind me. 

I toss them a helmet and me and Bri put on ours. We zoom away and the rest of the day we spend in the house talking, laughing and just being with our parents. 

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