"Are you mad at me for waking you up?" Awsten questions, mumbled against her skin.

"I would be," Elle starts, cuddling closer to him, "but I think this is my new favourite way to wake up."

He grins at her response, moving slightly to lock his gaze with her's, and tucking a strand of hair out of her face.

Elle opens her mouth to say something else, but they're interrupted when Taylor starts shouting from the kitchen.

"No birthday sex while I'm waiting out here, that's gross!"

The two of them groan in embarrassment, Awsten burying his face in the sheets, before pushing himself off the bed.

"Come on," he nudges her. "I'll wait out there, so it doesn't look suspicious," Awsten mocks, as Elle laughs, rubbing her eyes once more as she tries to get up.

She changes into something that seems a little more acceptable, since she'd feel a little out of place in her pyjamas, while Awsten and Taylor are fully dressed.

When she comes out of her room, Taylor runs over, ahead of Awsten, and engulfs Elle in a hug.

"Happy birthday!" She shouts, squeezing her best friend tightly.

"Thank you," Elle giggles, as she pulls away.

Taylor ushers her into the kitchen, before there's a knock, and she hurries off to answer it.

Elle spots the large bouquet of flowers on the kitchen counter, and gasps quietly, before looking to Awsten. He offers her a sheepish smile, as she walks closer to them, examining the various colours of tulips.

"Oh my god," she takes in the scent, feeling a little overwhelmed at how many flowers there are.

"Tulips, because," Awsten starts, moving closer to her, "they're like, your birth flower, right?" Elle nods, smiling up at him. "Happy birthday," he adds, softly, and she tucks her arms around his waist, leaning into him.

"Thank you," she squeezes him, gently, as he plants a kiss on top of her head.

"I have a delivery," Taylor smiles, returning to the kitchen, causing the two of them to turn around.

"You got McDonald's!" Elle grins, as Taylor places the bags of food on the counter.

They eat breakfast before Elle opens the few presents on the table. She opens everything from her family first, before Awsten is far too eager to let her go any further without opening his.

"You're going to kill him," Taylor mutters, earning a glare from Awsten.

"You won't," he shakes his head. "Well, I hope you won't."

The first present comes in a large box, and Awsten makes sure that she opens it before the others; when she takes the wrapping paper off, it reveals a pale lilac record player, and Elle's jaw drops.

"How did you even-" She pauses looking up at him. "I never even told you I wanted one of these."

"I saw you had the Entertainment vinyl, and a few others, but no record player," Awsten shrugs, wearing a proud smile.

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