31. Chai Tea

110 19 424

Lena Matthews

One problem at a time. Makaya was right, even if she ended up tipsy by the time I drove her home. I was surprised to find that her home resembled a small cottage, and not some sprawling mansion. After making it to her driveway, I forced Makaya out of the car and through the front door. Makaya was less than cooperative, and insisted on giving me an impromptu concert instead.

"Blue skies smiling at me." Makaya sang, ignoring the irony of the cloudy Oregon weather. The sun was barely setting, and Makaya was lost in her own mind. Her singing didn't hold the strange power I would have expected from a siren. Maybe alcohol had that effect.

"You're drunk," I informed Makaya. "You need to get some sleep. Or whatever sirens are supposed to do."

Makaya twirled, demonstrating some impressive balance for her state. "I am drunk, aren't I? Prohibition my ass. Isn't that right, James?"

"Prohibition?" I asked, confused.

"That's wrong, isn't it?" Makaya asked. "How long ago was that?"

"A... while." I answered, my mind blanking on me. I remembered learning about the Prohibition era at some point, but I didn't remember much. "Just go inside."

"They're lost." said Makaya, her words beginning to slur. "The Court's lost and scared and don't want to admit it. They think the originals will know what to do since they don't. They want that wolf you saw to mean something. It has to mean something, even if it doesn't."

"Okay." I assured her quietly, not bothering to process her words.

After Makaya was safely inside, I parked her car and looked for a way back home. I spotted an old redwood nearby and raced towards it. Slowly, I placed my palm on its trunk, losing myself in its endless connection of roots and stems. I could make it anywhere through this strange network, or at least it felt like that. The world around me became a blur of brown and green as I navigated my way back home.

One problem at a time.

The next morning, I was ready to teleport again. This time, it was to visit Kiara. Surprisingly, she had agreed to help me with what seemed like an impossible mission.

I put on my shoes and made my way to the door, Aurelie trailing close behind.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"I'm going to see a friend. You need to stay here." I told Aurelie gently. I almost wanted to change my mind when I saw her crestfallen expression.

"Why can't I come with you?" Aurelie asked, tugging on my arm. Without realizing it, she had grabbed onto my Forbidden brand. My eyes widened in horror and I yanked my hand away violently.

Not expecting my extreme reaction, Aurelie tripped, landing on the hardwood floor with a painful sounding thud.

"Aurelie, I am so sorry." I apologized profusely, offering to help her up. Aurelie flinched away from my extended hand, and got up by herself. She wasn't crying, but I could tell from the way she was cradling the back of her head that she was in pain.

"What's going on?" Finn asked, entering the conversation at the worst possible moment.

"I'm so sorry." I repeated, still focused on Aurelie. "It was an accident." I explained to Finn quickly. "Listen, I need to go do something important, so.."

When I opened the door, I almost walked straight into Jacob, his fist poised as if he had been caught mid-knock. This couldn't get any worse.

"Hey." Jacob broke the tension. "I'm sorry that I didn't text or anything, but-"

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