Chapter 76

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Lydia was laughing as they arrived back at the flat, the harmonious sounds being the first sign that John caught of their arrival. Confused, he checked his watch to see the time, confirming that it had not been more than half an hour since they had departed. Surely a family dinner lasted much longer than thirty minutes? Then again it was with the Holmes family, he couldn't imagine it was easy to keep them together for more than five minutes.

As soon as the two slipped through the door, Lydia lead Sherlock over to the sink so that she could wash the broken skin on his knuckles. John watched them for a moment before asking, "so I take it tonight did not go exactly as planned?"

Lydia glanced over at him, "let's just say that I doubt Sherlock's parents are still overly enthused that he finally committed to a romantic relationship."

"I wouldn't necessary say that, it was Mycroft that was being an arse. I suspect my parents' favour is still very much yours," Sherlock argued as he swallowed a hiss in pain, watching Lydia dab his knuckles dry. "I wager they thought Mycroft could use an ice cold glass of water in his face."

"You threw water at Mycroft?" John raised his eyebrows, unsure if he should be amused or concerned for Lydia's safety.

Lydia shrugged, "it was only water, Sherlock was the one who punched him."

"Sherlock punch- blimey, could this dinner have gone any worse? What the hell did Mycroft do?"

"He told my parents everything Lydia has ever done that could be taken as a fault in her character. He's been trying to sabotage our relationship from day one and I refused to let him get away with it this time," Sherlock explained, wrapping his fingers around Lydia's protectively.

John shook his head in amused exasperation, "you two literally cannot go anywhere without stirring up something, can you? Dinner, lunch... maybe you should just stay in to eat."

"I take it you've seen the article, then?" Lydia questioned, the happy mood she and Sherlock were sharing deflating slightly upon the mention their relationship becoming very public.

John nodded, "Mrs. Hudson came up with a copy, I cannot tell you how pleased she was to see that it was official. You might want to catch her while she's still elated because I have a feeling she'll be getting quite cross with you once she realises that you have been keeping it a secret from her for months."

"Oh don't be so dramatic, it's barely been two months now," Sherlock said as he rolled his eyes, dropping into his arm chair.

Lydia took her spot on the arm, running her fingers through Sherlock's curls to reassure him. "Don't worry about the article, Sherlock, I don't know how this will impact our lives, but I do know that whatever happens, we will always be there to protect one another. And John, of course."

"But you are in danger now, people will try to use you to get to me." Sherlock seemed almost defeated as he spoke, which made Lydia's heart feel heavy.

"And? Me being in danger is nothing new or have you forgotten that I still have yet to receive my punishment for taking down the Rose Foundation? If you are willing to stand by me through those threats, I am certainly more than happy to stay by your side no matter the psychopath you are up against."

She caressed his cheek as she spoke, knowing that her touch was often effective in calming him down. He let his eyes close, savouring the feeling of her soft fingers against his skin and muttered, "I know, I just don't want to see you hurt on my account."

"Those were my exact feelings when I ran away and you were quite adamant that it didn't matter. So now I promise you that it's going to be ok, you know that I can protect myself and I know that no matter what happens you will always be there to save me," Lydia assured him, placing her lips atop his. The kiss was brief yet sweet, a smile on Lydia's face as she pulled away, "and now that we've made John incredibly uncomfortable, do you care for some takeaway considering we never did get to eat at the restaurant?"

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