Chapter 21

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Lydia was discharged from the hospital that evening after the doctors had a chance to run plenty of tests to ensure that there weren't any lasting effects on her body besides the scars and bruises now littering her skin. Satisfied that she was fit enough to be sent back out into the world under Dr. Watson's care, they let her go and Lydia brought her bag of things to her temporary home: 221B Baker Street.

Sherlock led the way into the flat, now dressed in a bloodless blue button down that John had brought for him to the hospital. Lydia could hear Mrs. Hudson worrying over him from inside the building, causing a smile to creep onto Lydia's lips. What she would have given to have had a Mrs. Hudson around at some point in her teens or even adulthood.

Sherlock bounded up the stairs almost immediately, wanting to get out of Mrs. Hudson's presence as quickly as possible. He cared for the old lady, but she could talk for hours on end and right now he just he really needed to think. John followed his friend into the flat, trusting Lydia to trail along after him.

"Oh dear, how are you? John filled me in on what happened when he came back so late last night. Gave me such a fright, the boys always seem to come home covered in blood. They really ought to stay out of such trouble, but they never listen to me," Mrs. Hudson fretted as she saw Lydia enter the building.

Lydia's smile widened at the old lady, "well, I for one am thankful that they got into that trouble last night, otherwise I doubt I would still be around. I do believe that Sherlock may have saved my life."

"He must have been so worried about you, dear. For him to remain at that awful hospital all night, he certainly wouldn't have done that for just anyone," Mrs. Hudson commented as the gears in her head began to turn, wondering what made Lydia so special to Sherlock.

Meanwhile, Lydia let out a small chuckle. "Oh, I can assure you that concern for my wellbeing had nothing to do with it. He just wanted to question me when I was still disoriented and being pumped with morphine."

Mrs. Hudson laughed along with her, "well, that's certainly Sherlock for you. But I am so glad to see you up and walking. It was a horrid thing that happened to you and I am sure that if Sherlock ever finds out who would lay a hand on such a lovely young lady-"

"She's a smuggler, Mrs. Hudson," Sherlock interrupted as he came back down the stairs, wondering what was taking Lydia so long, although assuming that she had been cornered by his land lady was not a difficult deduction to make.

Lydia gave him a look of mock offense, "alleged smuggler, Sherlock. I haven't seen you proving anything, it could be that you are just wrong."

"I'm never wrong," he gave her a half-smile, his eyes alight with the excitement of the game. "Now come along, if you stay down here then Mrs. Hudson will talk you into the morning."

"I am just being nice, young man. It wouldn't kill you to have a nice little chat once in a while, you know," Mrs. Hudson scolded causing Lydia to snort.

Sherlock rolled his eyes as Mrs. Hudson spoke, but now he looked right at Lydia, "oh, I have a feeling I'll have a number of little chats with Lydia."

"Looking forward to it," Lydia mumbled under her breath, the amusement of watching Sherlock get scolded by his lady lady long gone. She gave Mrs. Hudson an apologetic look and mounted the stairs, obediently following Sherlock into their flat and wondering if living at 221B was going to be a mistake. Then again, she didn't have much of a choice with her financial situation.

Once inside, she placed her bag down by the leather couch that she was growing quite familiar with and took a seat. John asked if she wanted tea and she nodded, barely paying attention to the question as she took in her surroundings. The flat had not changed much since she was last there; piles had been moved, disappeared, and been created. There seemed to be a new experiment set up in the kitchen of which Lydia could only get a glimpse in her position. And she could tell that the violin was getting a lot more use.

Lydia was slightly surprised when John offered her the cup of steaming hot liquid, but quickly stretched her lips into a smile, "thanks, John."

Watching this interaction, Sherlock's lips twitched upwards noting her momentary confusion, finding himself a bit pleased with the interest she had in the flat. Of course, she was going to be living there for the near future, so she was probably just getting accustomed to her new home. But he could see that she already felt at home amongst the orderly chaos that Sherlock had created.

"So I suppose we should discuss sleeping arrangements," John spoke as he took a seat in his armchair with his own cup of tea. "Lydia, if you want, you can sleep in my bed and I'll take the couch-"

"Oh no, I should take the couch, John, this is your home. Besides, this is much more comfortable than the floors that I tend to sleep on so it's already a luxury."

John looked hesitant at Lydia's insistence, but didn't have another argument ready. Even with the short time they had been reacquainted, John could tell that she could be incredibly stubborn, she had to be if Sherlock had been unable to get any information out of her for as long as he tried.

So he finally nodded, "right, ok, if you're sure. We could have a rotation so that you're not on the couch every night."

"I'll be fine, John, I promise," Lydia assured him, propping her feet up on the coffee table currently littered with papers curtesy of Sherlock.

Sherlock narrowed his eyes at her as she did this, fearing that she would miss up the order they were in. But he remained silent and returned to observing her, trying once again to read between the minuscule cracks of her mask, hoping that she would let her guard down even for just one instant. He had seen her at the concert and it had only fueled his curiosity. One thing was for certain, Sherlock Holmes would break her down eventually and see her for who she truly was.


(A/N): Now we're getting into the good stuff, folks! I didn't really proofread this chapter much so I hope it's fine 😬 Anywho, I hope you enjoy!

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