Chapter 8

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Lydia was saved from Sherlock's scrutinizing gaze by Mrs. Hudson rushing in with tea. She placed it down on the coffee table and began to serve it, receiving a thankful smile from Lydia, "you really didn't need to do this, Mrs. Hudson, I don't think I'll be staying for much longer."

"Oh, it was no worry, dear. I hope the boys aren't being too harsh on you."

"No, of course not, just Mr. Holmes insinuating that I know something about an assassin sent to kill my best friend."

"Sherlock! You really should be nicer to your guests, if you had approached the subject more carefully she may have actually told you what you wanted to know," Mrs. Hudson reprimanded him, serving him his tea.

He waved her off, "I don't need her to cooperate to figure out what she's up to and making friends is too tedious, I'd rather just get what I need."

Lydia rolled her eyes and was about to respond when her phone went off. Her lips downturned slightly when she saw that the number was blocked, but she easily hid it and turned to the boys, "I'm sorry, but I've got to take this."

"Stay in the room," Sherlock ordered and she hesitated, but ultimately sighed and answered the call.

"Hi, Lawrence," she greeted, hoping that the person on the other end of the line would realise that she was not alone.

"Can they hear me?" A male voice responded, one that Lydia was unfamiliar with, no doubt one of the many members of the organisation.


"Very well. You complained that we have not given you much work these past few months, Ms. Evans, so you have a new assignment. You and your team will deliver diamonds to Edinburgh."

Lydia upturned her lips into a smile and feigned enthusiasm, "that's terrific! Hove you told everyone else?"

"I will leave that to you. The details shall arrive shortly. Do not fail us, Ms. Evans." The man hung up, but she kept the charade going.

"Of course, see you soon!" With that Lydia pretended to end the call and slipped her phone back into her pocket. "Sorry about that, we just had to rearrange some performances and Lawrence has been trying to reach out to other venues."

"Where are you being sent now?" Sherlock inquired, causing Lydia to frown at his choice of words.

"We're going to Edinburgh, we've got a couple of concerts scheduled last minute for the end of this week. Which reminds me, I probably make sure that Zoe's getting everything set with the publicity side." Her voice trailed off as she pulled out her phone and shot some texts off the Zoe, informing her of the change of plans so that they could get it all squared away.

"Are you sure you don't want to take a break with everything that has happened?" John asked her as she typed and she gave him a small smile.

"We don't really have any other choice. If we don't keep performing, we won't have any money. Besides, it's what Jake would have wanted, we have to do it for him. We're dedicating tonight's concert to him, if you guys want to come. I know you saw some of last night's, but I still figured I would offer."

John gave her a smile, "of course I'll go, I did plan on it before all of this happened, after all."

"No." Sherlock interrupted, causing John to furrow his brows in confusion. "We're going to be working the case, I'm afraid John will be rather busy."

"With what?" John question, a bit exasperated with how rude Sherlock was being with his friend.

Sherlock turned to Lydia as he spoke, "someone has to help Lestrade to run the history's of every member of their group. The answer lies with them, but since they all refuse to work with me, you're going to have to go poking through their personal lives. I'll see what the British Government has on them."

John narrowed his eyes, "you never actually reach out to your brother no matter how stumped you are with a case. You're joking right?"

Sherlock shrugged, "I doubt Scotland Yard's actually going to be much help and so I don't have many other options, do I? I can't wait to take you and your group down, Ms. Evans, it really is only a matter of time. Oh, and please do send us the information regarding your Edinburgh concerts, I'm sure John would love to attend if you are not imprisoned by that point."

"Very subtle with your threats, Mr. Holmes," Lydia rolled her eyes, taking a sip from her tea. "But I would be happy to forward the information to you, John. Though I suspect you'll be about as available as you are tonight if you stick around with Mr. Holmes."

"You know, you could save us a lot of trouble if you would just tell us what you're hiding."

Lydia flashed a smile at the detective as she rose from her seat, "and what would be the fun in that, Mr. Holmes? Besides, I'm rather enjoying this interest in me and I'm afraid it's going to fizzle out when you realise that I am not nearly as interesting as you clearly think I am."

"Oh, I really don't think that will be the case," Sherlock replies, his lips quirking as he produced a silver chain from his trouser pocket. "I believe you dropped this last night, Ms. Evans. Rather curious item to have seeing as you are not a religious person."

If Lydia was surprised by the sudden emergence of the necklace she had planted the night before or the fact Sherlock knew it was her who had put it there, it was masterfully hidden under a look of confusion. She walked over to Sherlock and took the chain in her hand, examining it with a sense of curiosity.

"I'm afraid you're wrong, Mr. Holmes, I have never seen this before in my life. I can ask the rest of the troupe, but I don't recall them owning anything like this either and I'm fairly positive I could identify every item that they possess. Did you have any clients yesterday that may have left this accidentally?"

Sherlock faltered for a moment, wondering if his deductions were wrong. No, the necklace certainly wasn't there before Lestrade had arrived, so it had to have come from this theatre troupe. It was a message for him, a reference to the old woman who had been blown up during Moriarty's game with him. The woman herself had been blown to bits, but in the rubble was left  a plain silver cross attached to a simple chain, exactly like the one Lydia was now examining. He wasn't sure why he was being pointed back to the game Moriarty had played, but he knew one of Lydia's troupe had to have been the courier of the message.

"Don't play dumb, Ms. Evans, you recognise this, I know you do." Even Sherlock was surprised by the desperation in his voice, it wasn't often he slipped out of his emotionless facade and he certainly never had been so frantic for someone to assure him he hadn't made a mistake.

But Lydia didn't change her stance as she shook her head and pressed the necklace back into his hand. "I'm sorry, Mr. Holmes, but I'm afraid I can't help you."

With that, she turned back to the door, but before leaving, she added, "oh, and please don't invade John's privacy to get to me, next time, ok?"

Sherlock merely hummed in response, not really paying attention to her as she left the flat. But John turned on him, incredulous. "What the bloody hell was that all about, Sherlock?"

"Oh come on, John, you really didn't expect me to let it go, did you? They are all hiding something and with the ease that they lie, particularly Lydia, I have reason to believe that it is something big. Might even be the reason of Mr. Dawson's death. His death was a message and that message may have been for them. And this, this was a message for me." Sherlock waved the chain in front of John's face before collapsing in his armchair.

"So you stole my phone and set up a meeting with someone I used to consider my best friend?" John questioned, annoyance and anger flaring up in his voice.

Sherlock narrowed his eyes, "of course. She clearly doesn't like me so she certainly wasn't going to come unless she thought you invited her. I really wouldn't rekindle your friendship with her, John. It will just get you into trouble."


(A/N): I suddenly realised how much work I have to do for classes tomorrow this morning, so it's been a long day with few breaks. But I am giving myself this moment to upload a chapter and take a break from the narratological perspectives on film music (which is actually something I find quite fascinating typically but I'm so drained from work). Anywho, I apologise if there are any typos etc. I'm not super alert right now. Enjoy!

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