Chapter 91

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Lydia smoothed out Sherlock's dress shirt, wondering if she should be insisting on him wearing a full suit. He was a star witness, after all. But at the same time Lydia doubted she would actually persuade him to wear a suit, if he even had one hidden away in his wardrobe.

It was to be the first day of Moriarty's trial, a somber atmosphere hovering over 221B. It also happened to be Lydia's birthday, but she hadn't confessed that to either John nor Sherlock. If John found out, she was sure he would insist on some sort of celebration, but she knew no one was going to be up for that. Though she supposed that would depend on how the trial went, which with Sherlock as the witness, she did not have high hopes for.

"Are you sure I shouldn't be testifying against Moriarty as well? I mean, I am more familiar with his criminal dealings than you are. I served under him," Lydia spoke as she turned her attention to Sherlock's unruly curls, trying in vain to tame them.

"And I would very much like that fact to remain out of public knowledge. Lydia, I will not let the media turn you into some villain."

"Even if that means letting Moriarty walk free?" She challenged.

"Lia, he's going to walk free regardless, we all know it. He let himself get caught and therefore this must all be part of his plan. I will not expose you for some glimmer of hope that your testimony will throw off what he has already pre-arranged."

Sherlock placed a kiss on Lydia's temple before leaving their bedroom, Lydia slightly annoyed with him. He was going to put himself into the line of fire and make sure Lydia stayed clear of the fight. While she appreciated how much he cared for her, she couldn't bear him sacrificing himself for her. She wanted to fight by his side, willing to go down for him if necessary.

"Shall we get this over with?" Sherlock asked, offering Lydia his arm.

She nodded, slipping her hand into the crook of his offered arm, letting him lead her out of the limited security of their home. As they stepped out into the living room, they found John fixing his suit jacket in the mirror, his face stone cold with resilience.

Sherlock gave him a nod before leading Lydia to the door of their flat, opening it for them. They walked briskly down the stairs, John following behind him, but stopped as they got the bottom, waiting for John to catch up.

"Ready?" John asked, reaching over to grab the knob of the door.

Sherlock gave a curt "yes" while Lydia merely nodded, preparing for the onslaught of reporters who were no doubt waiting on the other side. The minute the door was wrenched open, chaos ensued.

Flashes. Shouts. Shoving.

Lydia held tighter to Sherlock as he parted the reporters, forcing his way through to the police car waiting for them. There were also supposed to be officers helping hold back the crowd so that they could get through, but Lydia couldn't spot them amidst all of the chaos.

Sherlock ushered her into the awaiting car, forcing her in first so that she could be safe from the crowd. Having gone around the other side John slid in next to Lydia, taking the seat the furthest on the left. He closed the door behind him, muffling the sounds of the reporters still attempting to swarm them. The officer in front checked to make sure the three were ready to go and the car made its way onto the streets of London.

"Well that was quite the experience," John remarked as they pulled away. "I did warn you about the fame, Sherlock."

The detective rolled his eyes, "yes, well I apologise for having Moriarty choose me as his star witness. I should have simply not existed."

"You shouldn't have gone after such a powerful man is what you should have done."

"And left Lydia to fend for herself with the Foundation? Absolutely not."

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