Chapter 73

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As soon as his parents were finally forced out of the flat, Sherlock leaned back against the door and heaved a sigh. "They can be so tedious. We really don't have to join them for dinner, I'll feign illness."

In response, Lydia smacked him lightly on the arm, "how dare you say that! You're parents are wonderful, though certainly more... normal than I expected. Are you sure you're actually their son?"

"I do, in fact. I took about seven DNA tests trying to prove that I couldn't possibly be related to Mycroft."

Lydia sniggered, "why am I not surprised by that? Oh god, that means that sweet couple are also Mycroft's parents too? Where did you boys go wrong?"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Sherlock challenged, wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him, his back still pressed up against the door.

She grinned at him, "what do you think, high functioning sociopath?"

"I think you wouldn't want me any other way," he replied, bringing his lips down to meet hers. She hummed into his lips, moving her hand to his waist. Her eyes were shining as he pulled away, his own eyes crinkling in the corner. He caressed her cheek, "I do believe you were asking if I'd like to do lunch with you today."

"Do you really want to?"

He nodded, "it is long past time that I took you on a proper date."

Lydia felt her heart skip a beat as he spoke those words, grateful that he had listened to her plea to put more into their relationship, even if that had come along with such a colossal misunderstanding. Now, as she stared into Sherlock's eyes, alight with admiration, she cursed herself for ever questioning his love for her.

"I would love to go to lunch with you, let me just get changed first," she finally replied, twisting out of Sherlock's grasp.

However Sherlock pulled her right back towards him, "I think you look perfect just the way you are."

"Sherlock Holmes, I am not leaving this house wearing your dressing gown and booty shorts."

"Why not? You met my parents in them." Before Lydia had a chance to argue, Sherlock leaned into her ear, "besides, I quite like the booty shorts."

Lydia felt her cheeks flush at this suggestive compliment, but at the same time found herself quite aroused by Sherlock's forwardness. Perhaps he was actually interested in sex? The mere thought made her want to have him right then and there, but the rumbling of her stomach unfortunately shattered that idea.

So she brought her lips up to his cheek, "I will happily make a mental note of that, but for now I do believe you promised me a date and I am absolutely famished."

Sherlock couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed as she left his side, disappearing into his bedroom to throw on some day clothes. He hated how attached he had grown in such a short time, but he couldn't help it when she was so addicting. How was he supposed to focus on anything but her whenever she was around, flaunting those jaw-dropping eyes and round lips? What was there he could do in such proximity to her smooth skin that felt so soft to his touch?

He found himself day dreaming about her more and more, it seemed to worsen with the amount of time she was in his presence. Like every moment made him fall even deeper in love with her. His mind had started to wonder what it would be like to run her hands down her body, was all of her as soft as her hands? How would she react revealing herself entirely to him, would there be a soft blush coating her cheeks like there was whenever he caught her staring at him hungrily?

These thoughts, these feelings, were new to him and he wasn't quite sure what to do with them. He hadn't understood why John was so addicted to the female body, he had always viewed it solely from an anatomical perspective. But now he was having these urges, urges he had never had before. He had never wanted a woman before, wanted to kiss every inch of their flesh or hear them moan out his name. And he still didn't want that. He didn't want a woman, he wanted Lydia.

"You ready to head out?" Lydia asked as she walked back into the living room, pulling Sherlock out of his thoughts. He jumped up and gaped at her, causing her to frown in confusion. "I'm sorry, have I done something wrong?"

Sherlock quickly shook his head, "no, nothing. Absolutely nothing. You just look really beautiful."

"Sherlock, these are just my normal clothes," she laughed, Sherlock loving the way her teal eyes lit up.

"It isn't the clothes making you beautiful, Lia. You just always amaze me with your beauty. How was I lucky enough to end up with you?"

Lydia hummed, wrapping her arms around Sherlock's waist. "You know I love it when you call me by my nickname, what are you trying to get me to do, Mr. Holmes?"

"Nothing, I just want to enjoy drinking you in, is that a problem?"

"It is when you promised me food and I haven't eaten since last night. Stare at me all through lunch if you'd like, I just need to get some food."

Sherlock chuckled, bringing his lips down to her temple before slipping his hand into hers. "Whatever you desire, my lady."

After walking around London for a bit, trying to decide where to eat, Sherlock finally agreed upon a small cafe wedged in between a flower boutique and a furniture shop. He didn't know much about the place, but had agreed knowing how starved his partner was. Besides, the state of their window sills promised him that it would have good quality food.

Inside was unsurprisingly cramped, with the tables barely large enough to fit two plates on. Not that Sherlock really minded, he wasn't going to complain that the two of them couldn't sit comfortably without their legs brushing up against one another.

Sherlock barely touched his own food, far too busy staring at his partner to focus on what he had ordered. It wasn't until Lydia had swiped on of his chips that he remembered he actually had his own meal as well.

"You know, when I said you can stare at me all through lunch, I didn't actually think you'd take me up on that offer," Lydia teased, nudging his leg with her own.

Sherlock's cheeks flushed with colour, but he gave her a grin, "I should think anyone would be entranced by your beauty and want to stare at you throughout the whole meal."

"Sure, Sherlock," she rolled her eyes, feigning annoyance. "Just eat your food, will you?"

Once the two had finally finished eating, Sherlock slipped his hand into Lydia's once more. Part of him hated how much he enjoyed the feeling of their interlocked fingers, he shouldn't find so much joy from the touch of their skin. Yet the feeling was too wonderful to deny.

Lydia was dating him, she wanted to be with him. He could steal kisses, cuddle, do all sorts of things couples do with her and he still couldn't quite believe it.

Breaking him out of his trance, Lydia nudged him playfully. "What's got you beaming, Sherlock?"

He came to a stop on the pavement and looked down at her, getting lost for a moment in those gorgeous eyes before replied, "you."


(A/N): Just a little fluff for you before things get bad (you actually have a a bit to go before that, but still). I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

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