Chapter 14

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I miss you, Yibo, I miss you so damn much, I miss your laugh, your look, your features, I miss everything of you my beloved didi, when will you return to me?

They say that in the end everything will be okay, and if not then it's not the end yet, but how long should I keep waiting to feel your hug again?

How long should I keep waiting for you my dearest A-Bo?


Wang Yibo's POV

In the end, I walked all the way home, I really needed it after the things I had said, and I just met him today . . .

"I'm home . . ." My soft voice filled the silence of the room while my eyes caught Zhan's.

"Where the hell have you been! Do you know how worried I was? I was about to start a search party!" Zhan approached me, checking to see if I was alright, and I felt touched by his concern.

"Sorry, Haoxuan forced/dragged me for a tour of his mansion," I looked at him and Zhan looked so lost at the moment.

"That darn kid, I got worried for nothing, then," he chuckled lightly while shaking his head.

"Does he flaunt his riches around often?" I sat down on the couch, opposite of Zhan.

"More or less, but do forgive him, he's just a little lonely and . . ." I waited for him to find the right words, but Zhan looked reluctant, "sometimes he has to do it so that he won't be invisible," I was a little surprised by those words.

"Anyways, I'm sure you're tired, why don't we just call it a day?" I nodded, walking back to my bedroom in a daze.


I sat by the window and looked out at the shining night sky, "what a beautiful moon tonight . . ." I turned around, only to catch Lily materializing, sitting next to me, my heart warmed when I saw her familiar, kind smile.

"I hope you don't mind me intruding," her eyes shined like the stars in the sky, and I saw a mysterious glimpse in it.

"Not at all, actually I could use some company right about now," we sat there in comfortable silence, both admiring the shining moon.

"If you don't mind me asking, Yibo, why did you reject Haoxuan's offer?" I sighed quietly at her question and only shrugged lightly as an answer.

"I can't sleep because of the very same question . . ." Lily then moved to sit on the bed, beckoning me to come over.

"What you need is a good night's rest," I smiled at her sweet gesture.

We played on the bed together, staring up at the ceiling in comfortable silence, I took a deep breath, ready to spill out my thoughts.

"I used to think there was a big difference gap between the rich and the poor, I thought that having a lot of money meant you didn't have any problems, but I'm starting to see that even rich people have their own set of problems," I turned my head to look at Lily, trying to smile despite the tears in my eye.

"Alright, I guess it's guardian angel time, I'll be listening without prejudice and do my best to guide you on the right path," I laughed a little at her wiggling eyebrows.

"I just feel horrible for saying all those things to Haoxuan, I just met him today! I don't know how his life is or how he was brought up, and yet, I judged him without hesitation,"

"Well, he was a bit annoying, wasn't he?"

"Yeah, but after what Zhan said about not being invisible . . . I'm not sure so sure anymore, I know exactly how it feels to be invisible and shunned by others, I just didn't expect someone rich like Haoxuan to feel the same way," I buried my face in my hands as my thoughts ran in circles, Lily's warm palm gently caressed my head.

"I'm proud of you, Yibo," I lifted my head to look at her in confusion.

"Wait . . . Why?"

"Because you're learning and accepting that life is not always greener on the other side," I sighed at her positivity, why was she always like this?

"That doesn't stop me from feeling horrible."

"I know it doesn't, but it's a good wake up call for him, he will eventually thank you for it."

"Are you saying this just to make me feel better or as a guardian angel?" Lily thought for a bit before smiling warmly at me again.


"Haha~ You're a greedy Guardian range," Lily moved a little closer, we stayed silently, looking into each other's eyes, even like this, she feels so warm and comforting.

"Can I admit something too?" Lily broke the silence by her soft and fragile voice.

"Of course!"

"I'm a little jealous of how worries you are for Yibo and Haoxuan, I wonder if you . . . Ah! Never mind, just ignore me," Lily laughed awkwardly and shyly rubbed her neck.

"Of course I worry about you too, dummy," I laughed at her while patting her healed lightly.

"D-Dummy . . . ?"

"You deserve that if you ever think I don't worry about you, I know you're a Grim Reaper, but you could get hurt on the job, right?" Lily looked surprised.

"Sometimes, but don't worry, there's nothing I can't handle!"

"Hehehe~ I know, so you better check up on me often, okay?" Lily's smile was much warmer tonight for some reason, I could feel my heartstrings tugging as our faces got closer.

"Do you mind closing your eyes?" I did as she asked, feeling nervous building up inside my stomach, she was not going to kiss me . . . Was she? I could feel her soft warm lips on my forehead, and when I open my eyes I look at her in a daze.

"A little Grim Reaper's protection, although I would prefer to be with you always," she chuckled to herself and didn't say anything more, my eyes lingered on her warm smile.

"Yibo, as long as you're happy with the path you chose . . .I'm very sure it's the best path you can pick for yourself, so don't worry too much, okay?" Lily's kind smile is as comforting and warm as always, "it's getting late, you should get some rest," I nodded sleepily.

"Goodnight Yibo and sweet dreams~" I fell into a comforting speel thanks to her presence.

Word count: 1100 words 

In between love and death《Zhanyi version》Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat