Chapter 13

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Wang Yibo's POV

"What can I help you with this time, Haoxuan?" I sighed while turning around to him, and just like I expected him he was there, casually leaning against the door.

"I'm glad you asked, you're done for today, right?" I held back the urge to roll my eyes.

"I'm sure I still have plenty of things I need to do."

"Thing I'm sure you can do later, so come on," Haoxuan tightly grabbed my wrist, pulling me away from the kitchen.

"W-Wait! Where are you taking me?"

"We're going for a little sightseeing as a gift for a nice lunch."

"W-What? B-But I haven't told Zhan yet!" He kept dragging me without a choice.

"Zhan will understand, besides, you need some fresh air after being inside for so long!" No matter what I would have said, there was a comeback already waiting for me on his lips, so in the end, I gave up protesting.


And now I'm sitting next to Haoxuan in the backseat of a really expensive car, how did I even end up in this situation?

"Whoa . . ." I gasped, moving in a small circle as I took in a large mansion hall.

"Impressive . . . Right?" I unconsciously rolled my eyes at his cocky smile.

"It's impressive indeed, but I bet it's a workout just to walk around the house! If I wanted a snack, I'd be hungry for a full course meal by the time I got to the kitchen," Haoxuan chuckled at my comment and to be honest I was slightly taken aback, he actually looked quite cute, like a puppy.

"You say the most interesting things, Yibo, but that's why I have a lot of maids in the house," Haoxuan snapped his fingers and a maid suddenly appeared next to him, out of nowhere.

Oh! My! God! A ninja maid!

"Please prepare a warm welcome for my guest," Haoxuan's voice was stern.

"Understood sir," I noticed right away that there was a coldness in her eyes matching her voice, and luckily for me, she walked away just as quickly as she had appeared.

Aren't maids supposed to be polite to their employers . . . ?

"Now then . . . What do you want to see first?" I turned my attention back to Haoxuan, forgetting about the maid.

"Uhm . . . Why don't you lead the way?"

"Hmm . . . Let's start from the top and make our way down," I nodded silently at his suggestion, it was not like I could say no in the first place . . .


He showed me the many rooms the mansion had, but who in this day and age still has a music room?

"And now the biggest room in the mansion is . . ." Haoxuan opened a door with a swing to show me a big library, and it left me speechless.

"Whoa . . ." I became breathless again at the sight of the hundreds of books neatly placed on the shelves.

"Do you like books, Yibo?"

"Yes, yes very much!"

"What's the reason?" I picked up a copy of Alice in Wonderland from a shelf before I opened my mouth to explain it to him, "it helped me take a break from reality, even for just a few hours . . ." I smiled at him, hugging the book tightly to my chest, and Haoxuan was silent for a moment.

"I can understand that . . ." He said it so quietly that I nearly missed it and a hint of sadness was visible in his eyes, but his coldness soon returned

"Anyways, do you want to stay here a little longer? I'm feeling extra generous being your guide today, so be grateful," I stifled back a laugh at his pretending superiority, but the sooner I end this tour, the sooner I can get home, and see Yibo a small voice in the back of my head whispered, but I immediately shook the thought away.

"That's okay, but I'm sure you're already tired by now, this is a massive house after all," Haoxuan just shrugged.

"Fine by me, you are the guest," before I could answer, the library door opened, a different maid entered this time.

"Forgive me for the intrusion, sir, but teatime is ready."

"Great, thanks," the maid left us just as quickly as the previous maid, making me shiver because why does she look so cold too?

"Come on Yibo, I'll take you to the garden now," I quietly followed behind him, we passed by some artwork as we walked down the hallway, and I stopped on a big family portrait.

The portrait features a tall, handsome man, a beautiful woman and a little boy on her lap. I studied the little boy's face closely.

"The tea will get cold if we don't hurry, Yibo,"

"H-Hold on! You don't need to pull me so hard!" Haoxuan walked down the hallway even faster now, what had gotten into him?


"So, what do you think?" My eyes widened at the extravagant teatime spread before I opened my mouth to answer him, "don't you think this is a bit too much . . . ?"

"Nonsense, only the best of course."

"I think I'll just have tea first," the maid that served me tea had the same cold look in her eyes, just what was wrong with this place?

And as I sipped my tea carefully, Haoxuan spread his arms wide, "so, what do you think of this place? It's nice, right?"

"Yes, it's so beautiful . . ."

"Now that you have seen how beautiful this place is . . . You must want to work for me, right?" My eyes twitched in annoyance, I'm going to stop this for now!

"Yes, this is indeed a beautiful place just like that big family portrait," I could see a glimpse of pain behind the cold facade he wore.

"Make it easier now that you know I'm the son of the President of Xiao group."

"Yes, it makes it easier for me to know you're just wasting your father's money," his eyes for a fraction of a second darkened, but I keep a firm gaze.

"And just who do you think you are to say that to me?"

"Someone that earns my own money, unlike you, you think you can just shove money at my face and expect me to bow down to you! It's not even your money in the first place! Do you not feel ashamed? Where is your pride as a man!" Haoxuan sat there in stunned silence, he stared at me with hollow eyes, and I pushed down the rising feeling of guilt.

"Thank you very much for your tour . . ."

Word count: 1141 words

In between love and death《Zhanyi version》Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang