Chapter 26

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"Just like Grim reapers, I will be the one bringing the bad news . . ."


Wang Yibo's POV

I started pacing back and forth in the living room, I nervously fidget while I watched the clock, "okay, this is driving me nuts! What is wrong, dummy?" 

"W-What?" I looked at Haoxuan who shook his head.

"Why are you walking back and forth like you're waiting for news from a doctor?!" I sighed while fidging my fingers before softly responding, "did you not look at the time?! It's way past midnight and Zhan is still not home!" He only shrugged from the sofa.

"So? This happens a lot when you're an actor, late-night shoots are typical-"

"I KNOW! But . . . I just have this gut feeling something isn't quite right . . ." Haoxuan once again shook his head before creating, "Yibo, you're probably overthinking stuff, why don't we watch a movie together to distract that little head of yours?" Before I was able to argue back the doorbell suddenly rang.


"That must be him!" I bolted to the front door, feeling relieved rushing over me, but it immediately disappeared as soon as I opened the door, "LILY!? What are you doing here?" I could tell something bad happened since Lily wasn't smiling like her usual self.

"Is Zhan home?" I was a little shocked to hear her voice so low and gravely, "n-no, he was out the entire day, he's not even home yet . . ."

Lily bit her lip while averting my gaze, a strong unsettling atmosphere came down, "then I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news . . ." I let her into the house and Lily showed us a video from social media.

"This was posted fifteen minutes ago, I rushed here as fast as I could." Lily played the video and we were watching a dashcam recording, Haoxuan and I gasped when we recognized the familiar car plate number.

"Wait a minute! That's Zhan's car!" We watched in silent horror as the car swerved to the side, the car lost the control, hit a metal divider, and then disappeared.

Panic started to rise inside me when we heard a loud crash, "w-where is this place?"

"I-It's the highway Zhan used to drive home . . ." I tried to steady my shaking hands and focus on Haoxuan, "we have to go there! Haoxuan, Zhan needs our help!" Haoxuan blinked a few times as if I just woke him up from a trance.

"Y-You're right, Zhan needs us! I'll go grab the car keys, get ready quickly, Yibo!" Haoxuan rushed out of the room, I moved to do the same thing but felt a secure grip on my arm, I turned my head to see Lily's unreadable expression.

"Lily, let me go, I don't have time to lose!" She only looked sadly at me.

"I know, I just want you to be safe." I forced my arm from her tight grip, "that's why I need to go now!" Lily's grip held me tighter, pulling me to look at her, I was taken back at the distraught expression.

"I understand that you want to save Zhan, and I won't stop you, but I want you to not put yourself in any danger when it comes to that point." Her raising voice silenced me; it was the first time Lily had never acted like this, "but do realize this Yibo, if you die this time, I can't bring you back. So please, I beg you, be safe." Her voice was so weak that my heart broke a little, but I met her eyes determined.

"I know Lily; I will be safe, it's a promise." I gently released myself from her grip, doing my best to not look into her sad eyes

She smiled softly at me, placing a butterfly kiss on my forehead that felt familiar before she went near my ear and whispered, "I am happy you take the chances in life, after all, you're still the very same di di you once used to be, carefree and choosing the risk of life, so you won't need to ask, 'what if . . . ?'" I stared at her, wanting to speak up when she gave me small push int he back.

The rare feeling of strength rushed through my veins, and before I left Lily smiled proudly at me, nodding firmly, and for one moment she looked so familiar, as if I had seen her before, somewhere, but-

"Jiayou di di." It was all I heard before I closed the door behind me . . .


In a few minutes, we were inside Haoxuan's car heading to the accident site, I kept praying for Zhan's safety and tried not to think of the worst-case scenario.

Wait for us, Zhan! We are coming for you! 

When we finally reached the accident site, it's full in chaos with an ambulance and police everywhere, the three of us walked through several cars involved in the crash, but we couldn't see Zhan's car anywhere.

"Damn it! Where the hell is his car?" I sighed before answering with a shaky voice, "look carefully, it has to be around here somewhere."

"Over there!" Lily waved us over at the side of the road, Haoxuan and I shared a grasp when we saw the metal divider completely crushed, our panic rose, even more, when we caught the sight of a familiar license plate on the tar road.

"This is Zhan's plate number!" I nodded at Haoxuan's word, finishing his sentence, "but there is no sign of his car, which can only mean . . ."

"He could be somewhere down the steep hills." Lily pointed to the tire tracks leading downwards.

"Then we have to go now! I have a feeling the emergency services haven't noticed his car yet." I made my way down the slippery steep hills first, they followed me and we started searching for Zhan's car.

The tall grass made it harder for us to see, "w-whoa!" My foot slipped on the slippery grass, but someone caught me just in time.

"Will you be careful, dummy?"

"S-Sorry . . . It's just really hard to see with all of this grass."

"Yeah, but don't give up yet, you didn't give up so easily when you looked for my teddy bear." Haoxuan gave me a playfully smile through the dark, I smiled determinedly in reply.

"When did I say I was giving up?"

"Hey! I found him!" We ran down the hill towards Lily's voice.

"Oh my goodness . . ." I let out a tiny whisper when the crashed car came into view.

The three of us went completely silent, the front side of the car crashed into a tree and is in horrible shape, "wait- can you smell that?" I looked up at Haoxuan while Lily responded, "the gasoline is leaking! Haoxuan, go get help right now! I'll try and get Zhan out of the car first!"

"I'm on it!" Haoxuan ran back up the hill while Lily carefully approached the car.

"Let me help you, Lily!"

"No, stay back! The car could catch fire at any moment!" 

"All the more reason I need to help you get him out fast." Lily didn't argue back, proceeding to try open the car door.

"Damn it! The door is jammed, I need to force it a little!" Both of us yanked the door as hard as we could, after a few tries, it finally opened wide . . .

Word count: 1326 words


This author wasn't planning to update, but since I got some request~

And I'll try to update tonight or tomorrow one more chapter for you all since it took me so long to update, hehe~

Btw, now you all must have guessed the X POV, right~

*wink wink*

The author is going to write, byee

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