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Glinda watched Christery go say goodbye to Elphaba.
Then she got an idea.
"Oh, Glinda! How did you not think of this before!" Glinda squealed. "I have that stupid video of my own. Christery may not be back in time, so i can buy us time!"
Christery walked out of the room just then as Glinda walked over.
Elphaba looked surprised and happy at the same time when Glinda walked in. Her expression changed when she saw her friend.
"Glinda!" Elphaba said happily.
"Um, Elphie, i have, uh, bad news," Glinda murmered, knowing what it would be like for both her and Christery to leave.
Elphaba's expression changed from happiness to nervousness. "What is it?"
"I, i have to leave, too. Don't worry, i'll be back in time for the trial. It will probably take me three hours," Glinda explained.
"Oh," Elphaba said sadly.
"It's okay, Elphie," Glinda urged, giving her a sort of hug.
"Just be back as soon as you can," Elphaba said protectively. Smiling she added, "i need my Glinda."
Glinda returned the smile and said, "goodbye, Miss Elphaba."
"Goodbye Miss Glinda," Elphaba said, half laughing.
They hugged for a moment before Glinda raced out the door.
'It's 9:30 PM.' Glinda thought. 'That gives me less than twelve hours.'

Elphie ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now