Happy Birthday

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"Happy birthday Kristi!" Glinda exclaimed.
As you can tell, the two year old was turning three.
Elphaba, who was next to Glinda, held tiny Idina in her arms. The baby was a little less than two months old.
Nick was beside Elphaba, and Boq was beside Glinda.
Kristi was dressed in a pink, sparkly dress.
"Cake!" Kristi squealed.
The adults laughed.
"I agree with the little one. Let's eat cake!" Nick told.
Glinda got the cake from the kitchen and lit the candles.
Kristi shyly sat in the chair in front of the flaming dessert.
Boq stood beside her, ready to help her with the candles.
The four adults sang happy birthday and the three year old blew out her three candles. And when i say she i mean she blew out one and Boq blew out the rest.
It was traditional for the ruler(s) of Oz to show the Ozians their children on thwir children's birthdays. Well...let's just say they broke tradition.
Little Kristi enjoyed her birthday without being crowded by Ozians.
She ate her cake gleefully, and she opened her presents after that.
Idina did not cry at all throughout the entire day. Instead, she laughed at the silly faces Kristi made.
Unbelievably, Kristi seemed to comprehend most things around he, and she could speak better than she used to.
Kristi held Idina on her lap as she sat on the couch.
"Dee, mommy can i call Idina Dee?"
Kristi began.
"Well, it's a little perky, but okay," Elphaba responded.
"Dee," Kristi said to the baby, "you and I are going to be best friends. We'll be just like Glinda and Elphaba! Maybe we'll even inherit their singing voices!"
Idina smiled randomly, and Kristi giggled in return. "You are adorable!" Kristi whispered.
Kristi made funny faces to make Idina laugh. When Kristi reached down to tickle Idina, the baby grabbed one of Kristi's fingers.
Soon, it was time for both little ones to go to bed.
"Can Elphie tuck me in, too," Kristi asked Glinda on their way to Kristi's room.
Glinda looked at Elphaba with a face that said 'it's up to you.'
"Sure," Elphaba agreed with a smile.
Elphaba brought Idina and climbed up the stairs. Kristi changed into pink pajamas and crawled into bed.
"Will me and Idina be best friends when we are older?" Kristi mumbled.
"If you want to be," Glinda answered.
"I want to be just like you two. Will I be ruler of Oz someday? With Idina, of course."
"If you want it, and if the Ozians want it, you can be," Elphaba told.
"Do you promise i will stay in Oz?"
"I promise," Elphaba and Glinda said simultaneously.
"Good," Kristi muttered and fell asleep.
When Idina was taken from Kristi's room and to her room, she started crying.
"I know, my pretty, you want to stay with your best friend. I get that, but sometimes you have to leave," Elphaba murmered until she saw Glinda standing in the doorway and smiled. She then changed Idina and laid her in the crib.
Softly shutting the door, she stood in front of the smaller woman.
Neither one said anything. Instead, they enjoyed a comfortable silence.
Suddenly, Elphaba and frowned and at that same moment, Glinda smiled.
"What are you thinking about?" Glinda wondered.
"How i left you," Elphaba whispered.
"Funny, i was thinking about how you came back," Glinda said.
Now they both were smiling.

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