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Recap: "Yeah?" Elphaba asked cautiously.
"Yeah. His name is Fiyero. Fiyero Tiggular."

"WHAT?" Elphaba exclaimed.
"I'm just gonna..." James quietly left the room to have Jane and Nick clean up the mess.
"I'm sorry i didn't tell you. I was afraid that you would judge me too quickly. Fiyero was a terrible person, and we didn't like him that much. He was too...too....self-centered," Nick explained.
"Besides, Elphaba, darling, we figured that you would rather forget that past," Jane whispered softly.
Elphaba sat for a moment. "Okay. I understand. I just wish you had told me sooner."
"I know, i'm sorry," Nick murmered.
"Hey, let's not ruin this night," Elphaba told them.
"What do you want to do?" Nick asked.
"I KNOW! I KNOW! PICK ME! PICK ME!" Jane yelled. James was about to come in, but instead turned right back around.
"Hmmm. Let me see...mother! How about you?" Nick said.
"Nope," Nick and Elphaba said simultaneously.
"Why not?" Jane pleaded.
James decided to walk in. "What are we doing?"
"Karaoke!" Jane told him with a cheery smile on her face.
"Okay!" James responded.
"Really dad? Really?" Nick said.
"Why not?"
"There are so many reasons," Elphaba mumbled.
"But...but..." Jane begged.
"Fine," Nick muttered.
"YES!!!" Jane exclaimed while doing a victory dance.
"I'm sorry you had to see that," Nick apologized.
Elphaba laughed.
They group walked into the living room.
"Everyone! Pick a number between 1 and 20!" Jane said.
"14," Nick called.
"8," James told.
"6," Elphaba offered.
"The number was 15! Nick, you're up!"
"Oh great. Just great," Nick mumbled.
He picked a song called "In Summer" from some weird movie called Frozen. He was an amazing singer, but not nearly as amazing as the next contestant.
Nick volunteered the next person, who just so happened to be Elphaba.
Elphaba sang a song called Let It Go, also from Frozen. Her voice was like an angel.
Next, Jane and James did a duet called Love Is An Open Door.
Frankly, they were both terrible singers and i have no clue who Nick got his talent from. Oh wait, yes i do! I'm the author! He got his singing talent fron his aunt.
The night was surprisingly fun, and when Nick took Elphaba home, they were both in wonderful moods.
"My parents really like you, you know. Especially my mom," Nick told.
"I like them, too," Elphaba responded.
"Tonight was fun," Nick whispered.
"Yes, yes it was."
Nick walked up to the door with Elphaba and gave her a kiss.
"Goodbye," He whispered.
Then, Elphaba opened the door to Glinda freaking out about the kiss.

Elphie ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now