each other

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Elphaba's dress is above! Enjoy this update. The feels guys!

Elphaba helped Glinda into her wedding dress as she occasionally glanced at hers that was sitting by the closet.
"Nervous?" Glinda breathed.
"Yeah," Elphaba whispered. "You?"
"I think i'm beyond nervous," Glinda voiced.
Elphaba stepped back and looked at herself and Glinda side by side in the mirror. Elphaba was only in the green maiden of honor dress.
Glinda wedding speech to Elphie:
"Elphie, can i be honest with you?" Glinda asked.
"Of course."
"Before i went to Shiz, my life wasn't that great. My parents were too rich to take pay attention to me, and i had no real friends, even if i was popular. Before i knew it, i was just putting on a brave face for school and breaking down at school. I tried cutting once, but i couldn't bring myself to do it.
"I cared so much about my appearance. I wanted everyone to like me so much that i forgot who i really was. I wore tight clothing and bright colors, always piling make up on my face and fixing it in between classes.
"When i came to Shiz, i wanted to start a new life with new friends. Then i saw you. You had been bullied all of your life, but you didn't seem bothered by it. You brushed off their mean comments and fought back. I guess i envied you. I couldn't help the mean remarks shooting out of my mouth, and when Madame Morrible assigned us as roommates, i took it a the perfect opportunity to observe the Artichoke and find out of her secrets to expose to the school.
"I found out those secrets, and in doing so, i also found a true friend. One that actually mattered.
"Nick doesn't know it, but i do remember him. I remember how he changed and started to see your way of things, and i hated it because i knew i was changing, too.
"Now look at us. We are both getting married. Me, to a someone who loved me since college but whom i ignored. You, to someone who picked on you at one point but whom you never noticed."
"Ow," Elphaba whispered as a tear sizzled down her face. Glinda reached out her hand and wiped away the straggling tear, trying to keep down her own.
"Glinda, i hated being called the rude comments, but i did ignore them in public. I always pictured my mother there, watching what i do. At home, I broke. Not as much as you, but i still did. When i met you, i was amazed at how someone like you with so many friends could be so alone. I vowed to never be like you and to never have friends like you. But here we are, drying each other's tears," here Elphaba smoothly ran her finger across Glinda's cheek to get rid of the moisture, sacrificing her finger because she knew how much Glinda cared about her make up. "I want you to know that no matter what, i am here for you, and i always will be."
As if on cue, Elsa came in the door.
"It starts in five minutes," Elsa warned.
"Okay. Thanks," Elphaba replied as they closed the door. "Come on, let's get married."
Elphaba's eyes went wide when she realized her mistake. " each other..."
Glinda laughed. "I know what you mean. Come on!"
And then they got married. each other...

Anyone have a ship name for either Glinda/Boq or Nick/Elphaba?

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