An Old Friend

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Elphaba stayed with Glinda that night.
They talked until 2 AM, catching up on everything that happened.
"And, Elphie, there's something i need to tell you. You're not going to like who the new Mayor of Munchkinland is," Glinda said.
"Who is it?" Elphaba asked causiously.
"It is, um, it's-," Glinda began.
"GLINDA!" An all too farmiliar voice called.
"That's him. You have to hide he can't find you!" Glinda exclaimed.
"HE is the new Mayor of Munchkinland!" Elphaba questioned.
"Elphie-," Glinda started.
The door burst open. "Glinda, oh!" The mayor said.
He looked from Elphaba to Glinda and back again.
"Elphaba!" The man said.
"Boq," Elphaba retorted.

"What are you doing here?" Boq asked.
"It isn't any of your business!" Elphaba snapped.
"I see the witch is as wicked as ever," Boq countered.
Glinda had to pull Elphaba away in order to keep her from pouncing on him.
"Elphie!" Glinda whispered.
"How long have you known about this?" Boq asked Glinda.
"She only found out today," Elphaba defended.
"I wasn't asking you," Boq snarled.
"Biq, even if i knew the day after she left, i would never have told you. I don't see how you still try to win me over. I will never like you, especially not after the way you treated Elphaba," Glinda justified.
Boq looked at her shockingly. "But it's her fault i am made of tin! Her spell made this occur. For once i'm glad i'm heartless, i'll be heartless killing her!"
"The only reason you are made of tin is because i saved your life! If i didn't, you would be dead Boq, dead!" Elphaba yelled.
"And the lion also has a grievance to repay, if you let him fight his own battles when he was young he wouldn't be a coward today," Boq pointed out.
"Me and, he who shall not be named, saved his life. He would have been a dumb, non-speaking animal instead of an Animal," Elphaba argued.
Boq was silent for a moment.
"Wait until i tell the rest of Oz about Elphaba!" Boq exclaimed.
"What? No!" Elphaba said.
"Biq please, for me?" Glinda asked.
Boq looked at her. "Alright, but you have to go on a date with me!" He said trimuphantly.
"Glinda, please, you don't have to," Elphaba said.
"Yes i do. I'll do it Biq," Glinda answered with disgust.
Boq smiled in triumph. "Well, i'll be seeing you ladies soon. Glinda, i look forward until the time i can see your lovely face again. And Elphaba," he looked at the green girl with deep and utter loathing. "Try not to get your green skin to wear off on her. No one deserves to be green. No one except you."
He then walked out the door.
Glinda sank onto her bed wearily.
"I can't believe this! I can't believe i am going on a date with HIM!" Glinda exclaimed.
"You didn't have to," Elphaba murmered, sitting down on the bed and wrapping an arm around her.
"Oh Elphie, it was worth it," Glinda said, looking her in the eye.
Glinda rested her head on Elphaba's shoulder, and there they sat in silence for a couple of minutes.
"We had better try and get some sleep. I sense a big day tomorrow," Elphaba whispered.
Glinda only grunted in response.
Elphaba got up from the bed, causing Glinda to have to get up, too.
"Should i stay in a guest room, or...?" Elphaba asked.
"Can you stay with me tonight?" Glinda asked shyly.
Elphaba smiled. "Sure."
Glinda then got up to find a night gown for Elphaba.
She came back with a light green night gown for Elphaba, and a pink one for herself.
"Are you serious? Green?" Elphaba questioned.
"It's all i have," Glinda pleaded.
"I might as well wear nothing!" Elphaba pointed out.
"Elphaba!" Glinda exclaimed.
"Fine!" Elphaba agreed.
She grabbed the night gown and they both changed in front of each other (they were best friends afterall, neither one cared, not even Elphaba, being as shy as she was.)
When they were ready, Elphaba turned out the light and climbed next Glinda.
Glinda snuggled next to the green witch, and Elphaba pulled her closer so Glinda's head was in her neck.
"I love you, Elphie," Glinda murmered drowsily.
"I love you, too, my pretty," Elphaba mumbled back, becoming more like her old self.
Then they tried to get some sleep. Although, as late as it was, neither one could due to the excitement of seeing each other again.

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