Defying Gravity

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"Boq called. He said today is the day he's taking you on a date," Elphaba told Glinda a couple of days later.
"Uggh," Glinda groaned. "I might barf in my mouth."
"He's picking you up around 7," Elphaba continued.
"I better be home by 9 or at least 8:30. What do i wear? I don't want to give him the wrong impression," Glinda exclaimed.
"Wear something that is cute and modest, not over the top," Elphaba suggested.
"I never thought there would be a day where YOU would be giving ME clothes advice. I don't know what to say," Glinda noticed.
"It better not happen again," Elphaba warned.
"Okay," Glinda laughed.
"So, what do you want to do before you get ready for your date?" Elphaba wondered.
"I don't know. It's getting tiring staying in here all the time," Glinda sighed.
"I know. But we can't go out in Oz. They'd kill me!" Elphaba said.
Then Glinda got an idea. "How about we go back to, oh, what was it called, Arendelle!"
Elphaba thought about it. "Yeah! But, the only way to get there is to fly."
"Well then, Miss Elphaba, i am finally going to take you up on that defying grvaity broomstick ride."

They soared through the air, just the two of them. They felt like there was no fight they could not win. Just them, defying gravity. They'll never bring them down.

The two friends landed gently down in front of Elphaba's cabin.
"That was fun!" Glinda exclaimed. "I mean, i love flying in my bubble, but that, that was amazing!"
Elphaba laughed. "I'm glad you liked. I think Galinda would have been complaining all the way."
"Yeah," Glinda said with a blush.
"Well, would you like to come in?" Elphaba asked.
They walked into the dark room.
Everything was exactly how Ephaba left it.
There were multiple bookcases in the corner and some sofa surrounding it.
Off of that room was a kitchen and a bathroom.
Down the hall was two bedrooms.
"This is it! Definately not as extravagant as yours," Elphaba said.
"Oh, i love it! It's so homey. My home never felt this way," Glinda exclaimed.
"Well, now what?" Elphaba asked.
"Can I please meet Elsa and Anna? Please please please?" Glinda begged.
"Alright," Elphaba said, wanting to tell Elsa all that had happened.
And then they began the short walk to the castle.

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