Dress shopping

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There was only one person that comment-voted for the dresses. (I feel REALLY bad but i forget who it was...)
Thank you to them.
Above is Glinda's dress.

"Glinda! Hurry up!"
It was finally the day when the witches would pick out their wedding dresses.
I am pretty sure you can tell that the colors for Glinda's wedding are white and pink. The maid of honor, much to Elphaba's protests, would wear green. After all, pink goes good with green.
Elphaba's colors were the traditional black and white. Her bridesmaids would wear dark blue, and her matton of honor, as Glinda would be called because she would have just gotten married, was wearing a sky blue. The irony was that Elsa was a bridesmaid, and she had to wear a darker blue instead of sky blue. The only other bridesmaid that both woman had for their weddings was Anna.
Boq's best man was Nick and vice versa. They had both made Christery and Kristoff groomsmen. Sven guided the carriage.
Olaf was the ring bearer. His pillow was snow made by Elsa.
This was the way the two women-mainly Glinda-planned both weddings.
Glinda created a bubble and, with protest from Elphaba, got her best friend to step into the bubble with her.
They smoothly soared over Oz to the dress shop.
It was a homey dress shop that served few customers, enough to make a living. Glinda had been there before, and she knew most of the workers' names.
"Oh, Glinda darling, how are you?" Adeline rushed towards them. Adeline Maguire was a tall, thin, middle aged woman. She had strawberry blonde hair and stylish glasses.
"I am just wonderful!" Glinda exclaimed. "This is my best friend, El-"
"Elphaba Thropp! It is a pleasure to finally meet you! I heard you both were getting engaged, not to each other, of course! Are you here for wedding dresses!" Adeline blurted.
Glinda and Elphaba laughed. "Yes," Glinda answered.
Elphaba liked this woman so far.
"Come with me, we have a wide selection with dresses to fit personalities. I'll start ou off with one and then you two can go off on your own if you want," Adeline told. "Glindan, you are outgoing and bubbly, you also are a fan of sparkles. Try this one!" The woman handed Glinda a cute white dress with ruffles from the waist down. The top part was sparkly and the sleeves were two finger length silk straps.
"Elphaba, you are more shy and quiet. You like things simple, here!" Adeline handed Elphaba a dress that was, as Adeline had described, simple. It was a long white dress with sleeves that were down to the elbows.
Adeline ushered the two into seperate dressing rooms and waited patiently with her hands clasped as she bounced on her heels.
Glinda came out first. The gown was pretty, but it was too close to her bubble dress, and she didn't want to seem like she is making a statement.
Elphaba came out just after Glinda was done. Frankly, she did not like dress shopping.
Four dresses later, Glinda came out in a strapless dress with a pattern towards the top that fades as it goes down, and a ribbon around the waist. The entire dress was lace. (Dress shown above/on the first page)
"I love it!" Adeline squealed.
"Me too!" Glinda exclaimed.
"I guess it's pretty, for a dress," Elphaba said, coming out of her dressing room.
Glinda and Adeline gasped.
"Elphaba!" Glinda whispered.
"What? Do i have something in my teeth?"
"No, you...you look gorgeous!" Glinda murmered.
Overall, the dress was simple. It was a silky fabric that was floor length.
A sparkly, silver emblem was on a ribbon around her waist. (I will show this one on the next chapter)
Elphaba blushed and looked down.
"I don't look THAT great," Elphaba murmered.
"Oh, don't be modest!" Adeline exclaimed.
"Spin around!" Glinda commanded excitedly.
Elphaba reluctantly spun around slowly.
Glinda squealed and Adeline fan girled as if a Broadway actor came to her house and proposed to her.
"Wow!" Adeline said, fanning herself. "If Nick doesn't marry you, i will."
Elphaba gave her a creeped out look.
"You'll have to fight me for her," Glinda joked.
Elphaba silently backed into the dressing room, and by the time the bickering woman looked at her again, she was in her simple black dress with the weddig dress in her hand.
"When did you...How...Oh nevermind," Glinda mumbled. "What do you think of my dress?"
"It's great. Can we go now? My tolerance for dress shopping ran out after i tried on the first dress," Elphaba complained.
"You're no fun," Glinda pouted.
"Fun is reading a book, not...shopping," She said the last word as if it were the worst thing in the world.
"Books aren't fun. There are too many words!" Glinda groaned.
"Adeline, can you ring these up?" Elphaba asked, ignoring her friend.
"Sure! Glinda, can you change out of that?"
"Fine," Glinda agreed reluctantly.
When the dresses were paid for, the two friends said good bye to Adeline and walked out of the door.
"Now we have the dresses done. We still need the cake and flowers!" Glinda told.
"Let's forget about that for one day!" Elphaba smiled.
Glinda gave her a confused smile in return.
"Soon we will be married! Part of another person! We need some girl time!" Elphaba urged.
"I never thought i'd here you say those words!" Glinda laughed. "What do you want to do?"
"I have something in mind," Elphaba said, grabbing Glinda's hand and racing off.

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