Define Pretty

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I was going to update yesterday, but i forgot. I will be updating again later because of the *cough cough* special day it is.
Five months later
"Glinda, i really have some sympathy for you, i can't wait until this is over," Elphbaba groaned.
Elphaba was getting bigger around the stomach, and she couldn't help but worry.
She worried over whether or not the baby would be born healthy, if she would make it out okay, and most importantly, the baby's skin color.
Nick tried to assure her, but who could? The worry was unbearable.
Kristi was still two years old and she looked like her mother more and more every day.
Glinda and Boq picked the middle names for the baby, just as Elphaba and Nick had for them.
The gender was yet again a secret to all.
"Now i have sympathy for you, too, since i went through that already. I am also glad it is not me this time!" Glinda said.
"The outcome will be worth it," Nick assured.
"I know, i just will feel bad for the baby if they are born with green skin," Elphaba sighed.
"But it will be alright because they will be like their wonderful mother," Nick said, kissing his wife.
"Mama!" Kristi squealed, crawling into the room followed by Malky, the new kitten.
"Kristi!" Glinda laughed, picking up the girl as Nick picked up the kitten.
Kristi giggled.
"When born?" Kristi asked, pointing at Elphaba. It was a wonder how she understood that Elphaba was pregnant.
"They will be born in about four months," Glinda answered. "Two months before your birthday."
"Birfday!" Kristi yelled.
"If the baby is a girl, you and her will be best friends!" Glinda promised.
"Fwends," Kristi responded.
"Exactly," Glinda agreed.
Malky walked over to Kristi, and Kristi gently petted the cat. When he saw her foot, he immediately pounced, causing the young girl to giggle.
"Silly kitty," Kristi laughed.
"He is a silly kitty, isn't he?" Glinda said.
"Hey, don't say that, he's my familiar," Elphaba joked.
"Silly Elphie, only witches have familiars. You are definately not a witch. Witches have green skin, wear black, ride on broomsticks, and, oh wait..." Glinda teased.
"Shut up," Elphaba told with a smile.
"Get away, you witch!" Glinda shouted.
"I'll get you, my pretty, if it is the last thing I do!" Elphaba tackled Glinda and wrapped her arms around her friend.
"Aw, you think i'm pretty?" Glinda said jokingly.
"Define pretty..."

Elphie ReturnsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon