chapter 20

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December my favourite month is finally here because my birthday and Christmas Day is two days in row, I already started preparing for it, and also and as last I graduated from university just this week, and journalist world here I come... Sorry for the delay life was kinda bust for me, my advice is never be a maid of honor lol

Never mind my life, I hope everyone is doing well, I thank all those who favorite and followed my story I'm overwhelmed, I truly am.

Chapter twenty is here yaaay and this chapter is the turning point of the story enjoy...


Chapter 20

"Once again, I apologize for all of my actions," Daphne apologized, a bit irritated to be in such a behavior, feeling a stab in her own guts, but she was apologizing to her only real female friend in Hogwarts.

Tracey only narrowed her eyes and shrugged off. "Fine but I need details!" she giggled as she jumped to the other side of her own bed.

"What do you want to know?" Daphne smiled knowing that her friend won't let things go easily.

"Eeeeeeverythiiiiiing!" she exclaimed.

"Alright but I will leave out the details," Daphne felt her cheeks burn just by recalling all those sweet times she spent alone with Harry just for two days.

"Oh Salazar! Daphne you little bitch," Tracey's eyes went wide and her jaw fell at the sight of a blushing Daphne, it only meant one thing for her. Daphne must have been with her mysterious boyfriend.

"What?" Daphne said sharply.

"Don't what the fuck of me, you… you little bitch you did it, didn't you?" Tracey smirked.

Daphne only smiled as she looked at her lap "Don't tell but yes I did it."

Daphne's confession made Tracey let out a huge scream.

"Welcome to the whoring world girl," Tracey gave her a tight hug.

"Oi, I-I can't breath…aghh," Daphne resisted the hug, Tracey's big breasts were crushing her ribcage.

When she was free of the hug, "don't put me in the same cycle as yours," she mocked.

Instead of feeling wounded by Daphne's sharp words, Tracey insisted on knowing all the details. Of course Daphne had to spill the beans herself or else she would explode on the inside just by thinking of the last few days which still seemed like a dream to her. She and Harry had reached a whole new level in their relationship.

She told Tracey that she had to visit her sick boyfriend but in the end it was just a flu and she took care of him because of the absence of his parents which got the couple to a heated moment full of passion.

It was all she could say. At least half of it was true.

"I see… soooo sweet but won't your boyfriend be angry for not finding you when he wakes up?" Tracey pointed out.

Now that Tracey mentioned it, Daphne's thoughts went straight to Harry. She had left soon after he had fallen asleep. She knew that she could have stayed for another day but she preferred to spend it with Tracey in case someone like her adopted family asked around about her. Besides she couldn't let Winky stay in her form all the time, she thought of the tiny creature's well being as well. It would take a lot of energy for the elf, and at least she should thank Tracey in a proper way for covering for her again!

So she had decided to leave once she and Harry got back to Grimmauld Place but Harry surprised her with his sudden heated desire that once they landed he couldn't stop himself from exploring her body but then everything came to an end by the interruption of Sirius.

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