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Harry was alone. He had always been alone, at least at school he felt safe. While at home he felt worse, but here… Harry was at one side of the playground, the rest of the children were on the other side. Harry gently swayed on his swing, staring at the ground. It had been this way for as long as he could remember. Harry stayed on his side of the playground and the other children stayed on theirs.

Harry knew why the other children were afraid of him, hated him even, but there was nothing that he could do about it. He was who he was. The family freak that Dudley called him.

Harry was staring out of the window, his eyes gazed down at students who were playing or studying together.

"Freak!" he was called back then, he wanted to laugh now, the silly history of his so called childhood, Hogwarts was no different three out of five years, were literally the same, he believed that this magical school will make a difference.

Students were scared of him but wait, look at the bright side, he made friends! Family!

Something he wouldn't had if he stayed at the muggle side.

He was a wizard. Renus always said to be proud of being a wizard, it meant that he could see and do things that humans couldn't. Harry came from a long line of great wizards.

He was in medic induced sleep for a week, and in that week he put his family and friends through too much pressure according to Madam Pomfrey.

There was a small mirror in the corner of his room. He looked at himself, and what he saw scared him even more.

His hair was longer than he remembered. He even had grown a beard. A beard! Well it was still growing, but when did Harry have a beard!? He almost laughed, And all his scars were still there. Some were mended and some still lingered, his right arm was a proof, he still couldn't believe it actually happened. The myriad of stitching scars all over it, proved the reality. His scars proved that what he lived through was not a dream or illusion. And so was everything else.

He was terrified. The things he saw, the strangest and weirdest, everything seems overwhelming and horrifying in their way. Of course this might be a good turn of events. He could now save his family and prevent the war. But he had no way to explain that he will have to train all over again. He wouldn't be able to explain his journey through time and it almost felt like he was in a year of coma not just a week.

All the knowledge he received over one night from Hecate was almost impossible to comprehend but then he recalled being living in a magical world.

A world that now has become his responsibility.

He glanced at his wand that kept whispering, 'Master!' over and over again. He sighed and whipped his fingers, calling mentally for his wand to if there were some invisible cords from him fingers ready to be thrown at the object to pull it back.

In a flash second, the wand was in his hand, and the hilt of the holic sword dropped on the other hand.

Strings of magic were like pure gold, or crimson red or the darkest black appearing all around him, and with each breath he took, he could feel his body attracted to his surroundings.

And if he told the Order the truth they would think he has gone senile. Or maybe they would believe him? He was living proof that he travelled through time. He also had knowledge of things he wasn't supposed to know.

He clenched his eyes tightly and sighed, feeling pain.

The truth about his mother. Politics of the wizarding world. The marching demon armies beyond the earth.

Now that was the threat he should worry about first, Voldemort came later.

He knew about the consequences of defeat and Winning but nothing came without training.

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