chapter 1

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Okay, let me get straight to this.

Some reviews are really mean, I am not a professional writer nor this is my main language.

But I write it with my feelings, the words you say hurt me a lot, I even changed my plot dozens of times because of it,

So let me explain few stuff, even if there was some OC doesn't mean that the characters are not the same, it called a damn fan fiction for a reason, so the writer could write its own version of the fiction.

I am not the first nor I am the last one…

What keeps me from abandoning this story is the readers that send me courageous letters.

I wrote this story when I was going through a lot in my life, I shared with my readers my moments.

And I was happy with the reviews, lot of them, even if it was one or two in each chapter it means the world because thanks to them i had my own mental therapy.

Next time if you don't want to read it, you don't have to say hurtful words, I do love remarks that help me improve but some are disrespectful.



Chapter one p1 :

For Harry James Potter the fourth year at Hogwarts had been far from what he had expected it to be. When would he ever have a normal school year without some psycho sociopath after him? He hadn't heard from Hermione and Ron in weeks and was wondering if they were okay.

Lying in his bed in one of his white nights, he was staring at the ceiling awake because falling asleep would mean seeing his dead body again— Cedric Diggory had done nothing wrong; he had been innocent and had had nothing to do with this chaos so why had he killed him? How cruel did some people have to be to kill innocent people without compunction?

It was his fault. He had told him to stand with him, he had told him to touch that shitty cup. For how long would he have to wait to become free from this burden, from the Dursleys, from the Dark Lord—for how long? All he ever wanted was a normal life away from what they called fame, away from dangerous adventures, away from his abusive family.

At least for once, could God hear his wishes or prayers or whatever this was and give justice to those who needed it, give Sirius his freedom as well? For how long will his own godfather, the innocent man who had nothing to do with all the madness, suffer from the injustice?

'When can I live with him?' Harry sighed.

He kept repeating these ideas and thoughts in his mind for hours until he saw the first glimpse of the sun from his room. He needed to get some sleep before Uncle Vernon started annoying him in the morning.

Turning to his side, he closed his eyes and let his mind relax for some time.

His day went on as usual: Vernon yelling at him 'Do that, do this, why didn't you clean that, move that! ' like he was some fucking slave; his aunt gossiping over the phone with her friends about who was getting married, pregnant, or divorced; and Dudley lurking somewhere with his gang, smoking or drinking at someone's party, getting higb and dancing all night.

Well, despite his hatred for his cousin, at least he was having a normal teenage life which Harry envied him for.

Some real sleep with no nightmares was all that he had in his mind.

After finishing his chores, he had gone for a little jog to relieve himself; it had been a month now since his body had changed during the tournament, the Dursleys were surprised by his sudden calmness, despite his great hatred for them, but he had no other place to go, and he could not always stay with the Weasleys. He could not force his stay, they could hardly support themselves materially.

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