chapter 22

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Here is new chap chap...
I apologize for late updating,the reason is because I'm right now without beta, which slowed me....
How're here is new chap chap
Hope you enjoy it

Cyrus was lying on the bed thinking, he had destroyed his own life and that of his family too, the Dark Lord on one side and Daphne on the other. If Phobos and Aurelia discovered that she had been under his wing all this time, they would not hesitate for a moment to wipe him off the face of the earth. Not only him, but his family as well.
He began massaging his thighs in nervousness. The Dark Lord was not merciful, despite his intense loyalty, he did what he did to him.

He heard heavy footsteps toward his chambers, and out of the blue his wife burst into the chamber with a pale face breathing heavily.

"Trouble my dear! Misfortune befell us!" Eleanor screamed.

"What are you talking about?" Cyrus was confused.

Eleanor was shaking and breathing hard, "She ran away, I do not know how she did it! "

Cyrus gritted his teeth, "Explain."

Eleanor gulped in fear, "I went to see her this morning, s-she called for me and then everything went black, I just woke up to find myself sleeping in her chamber," she explained.

Before Cyrus could manage to react and speak.
A voice came out of their chamber.


Cyrus shot up straight when he heard the shouting,struggling to climb on his chair.
With his wand in his hand, and his wife behind him, he ran to the corridor.
He saw the elves running here and there in panic.

He looked around and could see the evidence of smoke swirling from the end of the hall.
It was coming from her chamber. Daphne!?

"Oh, so Her Majesty is not returning this term, how unlucky," Pansy said, rolling her eyes.

"She is sick," Tracey snapped.

"So what? I am not her Healer to worry about her,perhaps she is scared and running from me," Pansy smirked and Tracey wanted to choke her at the moment.

Astoria laughed at that reply.

"Who is scared of whom?"

Astoria's body shivered, she didn't have to turn around and look at the direction of the voice to know who it belonged to.

"Daphne," Astoria whispered, feeling her body freeze up almost instantly.

The blonde witch gave a side glance to her supposed sister before turning her focus to the small group in front of her.

"Daphne! " Tracey lightened up at the presence of her best friend, then smirked at the stunned Pansy.

Daphne sat forcibly between Pansy and Astoria, with the aura of a mighty queen.

"You didn't tell who is scared of whom?" Daphne repeated her question.

She could hear the laughter of the boys as they laughed at the situation Pansy Parkinson was put in.
Pansy bit her cheek trying not to cause a scene in the Great Hall and give the other houses a show to watch.
Without saying anything she lifted herself from the table and returned to her place, away from the ice queen. For now.

"Bloody fantastic," Pansy said sarcastically.

Once Pansy was out of sight, the other three Slytherins burst into hysterical chuckles.

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