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Just great.
Of course this had to happen to Marinette.
Of course she was stupid enough to reveal her self to Adrien freaking Agreste.

Here's what happened after~



Adrien said. His eyes wide open and his mouth was agape.

Marinette looked at him, eyes wide open as well.

Both of their hearts dropped.

Adriens heart dropped out of shock.
The girl he was madly in love with was Marinette.
Happiness filled his heart.
His heart was beating with so much joy and his love for Marinette was only growing stronger and stronger by the minute- no-by the second.

Marinette on the other hand....
Her heart dropped to her stomach out of fear.
Fear of rejection and fear that he didnt love her as she loved him. Not just that, but also because-

"You're Marinette? For real?!"
Adrien asked interrupting Marinette from her thoughts.

Marinette realized that she had an "opening", a chance here to lie about who she really is. A chance for him not to know and for her fears to not become a reality. But....she hated liars. Marinette absolutely hates the idea of lying in general. Why lie if someone is confronting you about the truth? If they know why keep lying?

She would be a hypocrite if she lied now.
Her conscious would eat her alive.
Adrien knows.

"Yes. Im Marinette"
Ladybug said. She looked down at the floor and avoided Adrien's gaze.
She was terrified.

"I- I cant believ-"
Adrien started before being interrupted

"Im sorry."
Marinette said
"Im sorry for disappointing you with my real identity..."

Adrien looked at Marinette.
Her head was low and she was fidgeting with her hands and her leg was bouncing up and down.

Her anxiety is kicking in
Adrien thought to himself.

"Why would I be disappointed?"
Adrien asked Marinette.

"B-Because I'm just a stupid clumsy baker girl okay?! I-Im the girl who trips over her own feet a-an who stutters like a-all the time. Im the stupid girl who thought that I w-was strong a-and-"

Adrien said cutting off Marinette.
"You're the clumsy girl, the girl who stutters her words sometimes and the girl who is perfect for the job. You're the girl who has saved Paris more times than anyone can count and you're the girl who puts everyone's feelings before her own. You're the girl who somehow finds it in your heart to be kind to everyone even your worst enemies. You're the girl who made it possible for me to go see my mother on the big screen...and you're the girl who some how made me fall for you twice."

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