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It had now been 2 days since Marinette found out Adrien's identity and things were extremely awkward...

Right after Ladybug ladybug left that night
(the night of the kiss~)
Plagg flew up to Adriens face. He was sweating and flying left and right rambling on and on about how he is so sorry and that 'it' was an accident

"Plagg what's wrong? And next time you come out make sure Ladybug is completely gone. She could have seen yo-"

"Adrien that's the problem!"
Plagg responded cutting Adrien off from his sentence
"Ladybug did see me-"

Adrien sat down in silence...
Ladybug knew his identity.......
Ladybug knew his freaking identity...

"Plagg.....what the actual FUC-"

1 Hour Later

"Adrien I get it okay!!! I messed up!!!"

Adrien checked the time on his phone to see how long he had until patrol with Ladybug
"5 FREAKING MINUTES!- I - I gotta cancel- I cant let her see me- I-"

Plagg said before being cut off by Adrien

"No Plagg, you dont get it do you? She knows who I am now OKAY- Plagg Ladybug is anything BUT stupid! I-"
Adrien sighed as he looked at Plagg who was floating above his pillow
"Plagg..... she's probably so disappointed that its just... well... me."
Adrien finished his sentence as he looked down at his feet.

"She is most definitely not disappointed"
Ladybug said.

Adrien heard her voice and turned around to see his lady sitting on his open window.

"Adrien, you are the only person who could ever pull off being Chat Noir. I would never in a million years be disappointed by your real identity."
Ladybug said as she jumped off of the window and was now standing in front of Adrien.

"Before we talk about all this- identity crisis, I think you should know about what happened when you got Akumatized. Is that okay?"
Ladybug asked.

Adrien nodded and sat down on his bed patting the space next to him signaling for Ladybug to take a seat.

"So... I um... I did something really stupid in that timeline, I came in here to deliver a gift for your fifth names day.."

"But I remember that-"
Adrien said cutting Ladybug off

"No. The gift was signed by me. The real me. You saw me leave and you figured out my identity. I dont know what happened after that, because Bunnix came to take me to you. Chat Blanc... and your other you said that it was our love that destroyed the world."
Ladybug looked down as tears began to fill her eyes

"I broke your heart. I am the reason why you were akumatized Adrien.... we were fighting a-and I fell into the water and I saw statues?? Of Hawkmoth and I, but when I touched my statue...she faded away... we fought for so long and you almost destroyed the whole world. But then I-"
Ladybug's tears escaped her eyes and ran down her cheeks as she said

"I used our love against you. I destroyed the akuma and you- you looked at me and then you said 'Marinette what happened?' and then I just- I couldnt- I broke you and- the look that you gave me- I had to come to this timeline and use the lucky charm so everything would go back then I dropped the gift off again? And I said that it was from your fan club in um- Brazil?? Im so sorry Adrien-"

Ladybug stopped when she made eye contact with Adrien.
His eyes were wide open his mouth was agape.

He said.

Adriens NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now