Late night talks

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"See Adrien.... the truth is that I love you.... I am so in love with you and- its time that you know."

Adrien looked at Ladybug.
His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.
Did she really just say that?
Ladybug- his Ladybug just admitted her love for him.
Well- his "normal" him-

Adrien stood up from his couch and walked over to ladybug who (because of fear of getting rejected) was standing near his open window.

No words needed to be said.

He kissed her.
The kiss was so full of passion in yet so full of love-
Adrien was finally kissing the girl of his dre-

You didnt think that was real did you-?

Lets be honest here- neither Marinette nor Adrien would have to guts to confess their love for each other let alone kiss each other in the heat of the moment-

That was just Adriens "sinful" imagination.

What was really happening was that he was currently sitting on his bed anxiously waiting for Ladybug to arrive.

Plagg was already fast asleep in his little "room"
And by room- we mean a large drawer that Adrien fixed up with a small "bed" some fairy lights so it wouldnt be dark and some cheese.

See Plagg used to sleep on a pillow on Adriens bed and that drawer was full of his precious cheese-
Buut Adrien was a bit of a crazy sleeper (when he had nightmares) and Plagg was tired of being woken up by Adriens arm flinging him to the couch- or some body part of Adriens always landing on him nearly squeezing him to "death".

Plus- it would ruin Plaggs "beauty" sleep.
For THE God of Destruction could never lose a second of his sleep or and ounce of his cheese.

Adrien was so deep in thought that he didnt even realize Ladybug had already entered.

He was sitting on his bed looking at the floor while biting his nail and his leg bounced up and down. An anxiety "tic".

Ladybug walked over to Adrien and slowly moved his hand away from his mouth.
"Y'know.....I heard its bad to bite your nails"
She said.

Adriens mouth was left open.
She actually came?!
He thought to himself.
He was surprised because she didnt give him an answer as Cat Noir- but then again he never gave her the chance to-

"O-Oh yea- the nail biting- I just- I-"
He stuttered. Dammit he normally never stuttered. Ladybug has that much of a hold around him.
She had his heart wrapped around her little pinky and she didnt even know it.

"Its okay" she giggled "I do it too"
She went to sit next to Adrien.
"So..... what's up-? Are you okay?"

So straightforward...
Adrien thought to himself. He loved that about her.
Adrien looked down and played with his fingers.
How could she tell her without revealing his identity?

Unless.... he just revealed his identity right there.

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