Hello again...

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"Marinette..." Tikki said before continuing "are you sure that that would be a good idea...? What if you mess up the time line or worse... Chat Blanc can come back again..."

Tikki doesnt know who Chat Blanc is, she has no memory of him. She doesn't even know that he existed at one point, but Marinette remembers him very well. Marinette has woken up with nightmares about him ever since she's met him. Tikki has always been there to comfort her friend and his "appearance" in her dreams has been becoming less and less frequent lately. So to say that Tikki is a bit scared to contact Fluff is an understatement. She's scared that Marinette's nightmares will come back even worse and she honestly does not know how many more nightmares her friend can handle. Both mentally and physically speaking.

"Tikki... I-" Marinette took a deep breath before continuing "I need answers. I need to know if there is a way to stop Lila, to give Adrien more clarity, and to find out if I'm doing the right thing here. I just- I have a gut feeling Tikki. Trust me on this okay?"
Marinette finished as she gave her kwami a sad but light hearted smile.
Tikki gave her friend a nod before flying to the middle of the room.

Marinette watched as her kwami did some weird dance... ritual thingy. She definitely had a lot to learn about kwamis and their- dances.

Marinette watched her kwami in confusion but decided that it was best to not interrupt with her millions of questions.
She stared at Tikki until she started to almost glow? The light was so bright Marinette had to shield her eyes from the light.

Marinette spoke loudly
"Tikki whats going on?!"

Tikki said nothing. She was still preforming her ritual and had yet to even open her eyes, let alone speak.

A few minutes later Tikki's eyes shot open and they were as white as she was.
Marinette hadn't noticed this before... but the bright "light" was Tikki?
Tikki then stopped her dance and stayed floating there in the middle of the room.
Her mouth and eyes wide open.

Then after about 2 minutes her mouth and eyes closed.

"What just happened...?"
Marinette asked.

"That was the dance of the kwamis. Its an old- very ancient ritual for us kwamis, we use this dance to communicate with one another. Its way easier for the ritual to be done with other kwamis when looking for a "lost" kwami like hawkmoth and mayuras kwamis but since I was doing it alone it had to take more time and magic out of me. Sorry I took so long Marinette"
Tikki said

"Its okay Tikki! How are you feeling?"
Marinette asked.

Tikki was just about to speak until another voice came from behind her

"Hello again mini-bug!"
Bunnix said

Marinette turned around so fast she got a bit dizzy.
"BUNNIX! Thank goodness you're here. I have some... questions and I am gonna assume that you know them?"
Marinette said

Bunnix let out a soft giggle and looked at Marinette.
"Of course I know your questions mini-bug. I didnt just come here because Tikki called me ya' know?"
Bunnix said before calling off her transformation and giving Fluff a carrot.

Tikki and Fluff flew off to a corner of the room so Tikki can rest a bit while grown up Alix and Marinette spoke.

"Marinette, time is a very dangerous thing. Messing with the time line can be very dangerous, you of all people should know that by now..." Alix said. Marinette looked down at her feet.

She knew that asking for answers was wrong, but she needed help! She needed guidance, she just needed SOMEONE to give her some assistance. Someone who would know how to help her.

"But..." Alix said "I also didn't just come here because I knew that you would call for me. I'm here because I'm supposed to be here."

Thanks for reading this chapter guys! Sorry for the long update, writers block sucks ASS.

Happy New Years!

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