Authors Note!

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Hey guys!
Sorry this isnt an update- um I recently lost someone important to me and its been hard.

Please hep me find this Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction on here!!!
So my cousin got my phone and lost the story so now im sad-

Here's what I remember from the story!

Adriens biological mother is Nathalie.
Adrien doesnt know this because she left when he was really little.

Theres a group of girls who spread rumors and stuff called the "Rumor Girls"

Lila left the school because she got caught in her lies but she's back (in disguise)

Marinette is adopted and she hates her adoptive parents.

Her adoptive father kidnapped Ella and Etta Alya's twin sisters.

Marinette knows that he kidnapped them and found the location in which he has them.

She is making a plan with Adrien to save the twins

There's this thing called the "Popularity Board"
Gabriel Agreste was in 1st place
Adrien Agreste was in 2nd place
Marinette Dupain Cheng was in 3rd place

Plagg and Tikki are human

There are no heros / villains

Plagg used to have a crush on Marinette but now he's catching feelings for Tikki

Adrien and Marinette are not into the idea of dating (eachother and other people)
And they are barely becoming friends.

Marinette decided to keep her biological parents last name.

Tom and Sabine see Marinette but they decided to keep their "identity" a secret and asked Adrien to watch over Marinette when they cant.

Marinette doesnt know that Tom and Sabine are her birth parents (yet) but she goes to their bakery with Adrien. (He showed her that place)

If you guys can please help me find this wattpad story it would mean so much to me. I have been trying to find it and I even made a whole tik tok account to help me find it-

Please comment the name of the story or the author of that story if you know.

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