My love of my life

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I never met you. I don't think I will any time soon.

But I know how your hands feel the way your smile would be enough for my knees to go weak. I know how you alone could make my parents smile and be kind. The way your skin would feel as my own wether we intended it to or not. The way we would melt together as if we were always one. You are me and I am you but together we are us. No idea who is who exactly only that us exists and the world will envy who we are together. The way you would listen to me sing and I would listen to you speak so elequently. You would know what to say and if words weren't comming to mind. Your body and soul would show me all their is to know about you. Reflecting who I am in a way that made me appreciate myself as much as I did you. Gender, sex, it wouldn't even matter cause we would be two human beings. Perhaps not even human, just beings. Who feel, because of you I would allow myself to Savour every single thing that you made me feel. Not worrying about what it would be. Sadness ? It would change to comfort because of you. Happiness ? It would change to our happiness because of us.
We would be one feeling everything we would make each other feel.

If not later , when?
I didn't know the answer when I heard that sentence.
I didn't know what they meant.
If not later,when?
Its a sentence so simple yet intriguing cause how do you awnser. Because later is anything other than now. So the only awnser is now or in the past.
If I don't find you later, when ?
Perhaps the awnser lies in me all this time.

We will only be able to be one when I can be me. For you are me and I am you so without me you wouldn't exist.

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