Chapter 4 - Attack on Qishan pt2

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..."Wei Ying is dead!"

It was a phrase they had dreaded. Wei Ying couldn't be dead, he just couldn't be. Zidian lashed out scattering the malevolent mutants across the ground temporarily quieting the noise, however it acted only as an incentive to the other creatures to whisper louder and louder in their hoarse voices.

The agitation it incited was clear on everyone's face (even the jade like Hanguang-jun was seen to be affected) and so, they began to vigorously slash and cut down through the mounds of twitching bodies. The numbers seemed endless - as soon as one had been killed five more would appear. Hanguang-jun retreated slightly before taking out his guqin, Wangji. He shouted for everyone to move before using chord assassination to defeat the snakes.

Their defence was pitiful and were quickly annihilated. They could now clearly see what lay beyond. Sure enough, behind the wall of snakes was a sort of passageway. It was neither large nor small in size (around 2m tall and 1m wide) and led of into an impenetrable darkness. Before anyone could stop him, Lan Wangji stood up, packed his guqin into his qiankun pouch, and walked briskly into the passage. Confused, Jiang Cheng followed him. 

The passage swerved for a bit before opening out into a dark chamber like room. It was bare except from a solitary chest in the centre of the room. Cautiously, Wangji stepped over and tried to open it. It was stiff and the hinges were rusty but it opened revealing the seized swords of the young masters and disciples 'educated' by the Wens.

Immediately, the two men reached for their swords Bichen and Sandu and they came without resistance. They stared at the other swords both focused particularly on Suibian. Jiang Cheng could tell Lan Zhan wanted to reach out and pick it up but was hesitant. Carefully, Jiang Cheng extended a slightly trembling hand and picked up the sleek scabbard. He looked it over and again began to reflect his memories of the swords jovial and carefree owner. He thrust it into Lan Wangji's arms.

It was too much, he didn't want to look at it anymore: to feel the overwhelming remorse and melancholy surrounding the boys disappearance. He could feel the Lan's solemn eyes boring into him.

"You take it."

The statement was very final and Lan Wangji expressed no signs of aversion. 

"I'll call in some disciples to carry the chest out. We'll return the swords when we next see the owners."


Jiang Cheng disappeared from the small room only to come back a minute or two later accompanied by three burly disciples. They quickly carried out the box with the two leaders following after. Everyone was still uneasy; this was too simple, something was definitely wrong. Satisfied that they had found everything, the groups headed over to the exit (they decided that since no one was around they would spare themselves the trouble of jumping the wall) however just as they were about to leave, Hanguang-jun noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

"Sword array now." He instructed under his breath.

"What?" inquired Jiang Cheng before he too saw the reason for Lan Wangji's instruction. 

"You!" he shouted anger beginning to rise again.

"Yes, it's me," said the man.


Author's Note:

Sorry this is pretty much just a filler chapter and it's quite short but the next one should be more interesting. I hope you enjoyed. It's kind of obvious but who do you think the man is? I'll try to update again soon.

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