Chapter 29

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3rd Person POV

This was bad. Wei Ying new immediately that there was no turning back. His worst fears were answered. He could never move on if he knew he hadn't helped them then, could never have faked ignorance and betrayed them. he needed to process what he could do whilst causing the least harm and trouble to those he loved. If Wen Ning had been taken by the Jin's, then his active opposition and defence would not be excused. He just hoped he could do it without hurting his family too much in the process.


The atmosphere in the grand hall was particularly unpleasant. Jin Guangshan sat brooding in his throne pretending not to care about the embarrassment from the morning. There was also a very key figure missing. Wei Wuxian.

It did not surprise others that he did not turn up: some thought that he was ashamed of his earlier actions, some thought he was angry, but either way the mutual agreement was that it was probably better that he hadn't showed. It gave Jin Guangshan an additional reason to instil animosity towards the boy though his rude lack of manners.

Hanguangjun could sense the arrogance exuding off Jin Zixun at the thought of having shaken Wei Ying and he could tell that something big was about to go down. He was worried for Wei Ying, worried from earlier events, nervous on how to act and worry arrested his features. He couldn't bring himself to accompany Xichen in polite conversations and let his mind drift.

He determined he would have to speak to Wei Ying whilst the incident was still fresh in both of their minds. Wei Ying was not stupid, he must have figured out that he was the one who had so selfishly attacked Wei Ying earlier. He did not expect for the boy to forgive him or be accepting but a very small part of him clung on to the idea that perhaps Wei Ying may have felt the same. He kissed back did he not? He hadn't imagined it. 

Lan Zhan had been well aware of his feelings for a while now. They had been hiding below the surface for years, ever since their first encounter at the Cloud Recesses but he had finally come to accept them after the battle of Nightless city. Nothing had ever scared him more than the thought of losing Wei Ying and seeing how distraught and hurt he was just made him want to embrace the boy and hide him from the world.

He was so perfect. Beautiful, funny, kind, righteous, outgoing, bold, confident... the list went on and on but the best thing was that even though he had been hurt and let down so many times his motives were always selfless and born out of love and affection.

Out of the corner of his eye, Lan Zhan could see Jin Zixun approaching. God he hated that smug look he wore on his face. How dare he insult Wei Ying? It took everything in him not to stand up and punch the man.

"Hanguangjun, Zewujun," he said in his slimy and annoying voice, "it's so nice to see you. Well what else would we expect of such well mannered people - you would never deliberately humiliate us by not attending."

Lan Zhan did not have to look very deep to find the intended meaning behind the idiots words.

"Thank you for inviting us", said his brother politely.

"In celebration of our hunt, would you care for a drink?"

"My deepest apologies but disciples of the Gusu Lan Clan don't drink alcohol."

"Go on, don't hurt my pride. It's only one"

"I'm really sorry but its against Sect rules."

Zixun was making a big scene of things and the room went quiet as people started to look over and watch the confrontation.

"Look, everyone's watching, just humour me."

Lan Xichen and understanding that this would only get worse, conceded and drank a cup. 

"There that wasn't so bad. Lan Wangji, you have a cup too."

"I can't" , he responded

"Your brother just did and nothing bad happened to him", he provoked

"Ahh, that was because I drained the alcohol content with my spiritual energy first", added Xichen.

"No, I insist"

Out of nowhere suddenly a figure dressed in black appeared and snatched the outstretched cup, before downing it.

"There Lan Zhan, I've drunk it in your place."

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