Chapter 24

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3rd Person POV

When Wei Ying awoke he was greeted by unfamiliar surroundings. He was in a large, comfortably furnished room decked out with crimson curtains and features. Soon after he awoke, his sister entered with food and medicine.

"A-Xian! You're awake! How are you feeling? I have brought some medicine and soup to help you recover." She said

"Thank you Shijie, I'm fine," he responded dismissively. "How long was I out?"

"Almost 3 days but we expected you'd be out for longer. According to Hanguang-jun you collapsed because of overexertion, stress, fatigue and the impact of using so much dark energy. You should really thank him, he is the reason you have woken up so quickly."

"What? Why?" He questioned but before he received a response the outer door slid open revealing the figure of Lan Zhan about to enter. Upon seeing Wei Ying awake and chatting with his Shijie his ears flushed red at the tips and backed out.

"Sorry for interrupting", he said

Yanli went after him and bowed. 

"Hanguang-jun, it's okay I was about to leave anyway. Thank you so much for helping him. You can go and see him now," she said with a knowing wink before chuckling and going back to Wei Ying.

"A-Xian, I'll be back later with some more food, you should rest. The celebratory feast is being held at the great hall later so you'll need your strength."

"But Shijie... Okay then I'll see you later. Go make sure Jiang Cheng is okay and not attacking your husband-to-be."

She glared at him before flashing a caring smile and leaving. Whilst they were talking, Lan Zhan had come in and began to set up Wangji (his guqin). Without saying a word, the cleansing heart melody began to issue from the instrument and Wei Ying just watched quietly observing the slight flush on the very tips of the man's ears - the only sign of emotion shown by the impassive man.

The atmosphere felt slightly awkward and Wei Ying couldn't tell why but suddenly the strong scent of sandalwood that exuded off of the Lan was the only thing he could focus on. Dismissing it, he let his mind drift into meditation and relaxed.

In the afternoon, Wei Ying decided that he could no longer stand just sitting in his room all day. It was lonely and boring and he was trying to avoid spending so much time lost in his thoughts. He ventured round the deserted Nightless city watching as bodies were piled into mass graves and any trace of the Wen's former ownership was removed. In a way it felt the exact same as how Lotus Pier had felt when the Wens took control. 

He recollected the mountains of slaughtered at that time, all his innocent Shidis and Shimeis. All those people who had relied on him and defended him but had died whilst he was powerless to help. He saw the bodies of some children and younger disciples off to the side and knelt down next to them. He knew that not everyone who had fought against them had wanted to, or been fully aware of the flaws in their actions but they had still died. Personally, he liked to think that he had only killed those presenting an active resistance but he knew that there would have been some undeserving casualties. But such was the way of war.

Gazing over the small features of the disciples he felt a huge sense of sorrow and vowed to pray for the innocent souls. He thought of Wen Ning and Wen Qing, where were they now? He hoped that they had survived and their family had escaped before being drafted in. 

He stood again and recommenced his stroll surveying the sight until the telltale signs of night arrived. He met his Shijie and Jiang Cheng at their quarters before they led the Yunmeng sect into the great hall. 

The party was being hosted by the Jins since somehow Jin Guangshan had got himself the position of Chief Cultivator, which seemed rather ridiculous to Wei Ying. Did people not remember how they had been allied and close with the Wens? How they had been reluctant to even join the sunshot campaign? It was no secret that Jin Guangshan was immoral and a womaniser and surely it would have made more sense for just people such as the Lan Sect to have taken on the role but the unrivalled wealth and size of the Jins had forced out any opposition.

Sat on that big throne, Wei Ying found it ridiculous how the power had changed so quickly. The authority which this man felt he possessed seemed almost the exact same as the way Wen Ruohan had acted previously. 

First on the agenda, the man targeted Wei Ying. Under the false pretence of congratulations and care he praised Wei Ying but Wei Ying could see through the facade. Even for those who genuinely meant it he hated it. He didn't want to be praised for his extreme and unnecessary actions created with power forced upon him as the only way to survive. 

It was soon over though and the man lunged into what he really wanted. 

"You should do the honourable thing now and surrender your flute and Yin seal before you hurt anyone to prevent events like this happening in future. I don't see why you would need to keep it when you were such a phenomenal sword master and you would never need it ...unless you plan to attack people and oppose the sects with this unorthodox and poisonous method.

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