Chapter 20

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3rd Person POV

As Wangji rushed back a large crowd gathered offering their assistance. A few doctors emerged from the crowd and led Wangji into a small private chamber. He gently laid Wei Ying's stilled form on the bed and reluctantly moved aside to allow the Doctors to examine him. They had also been joined by Xichen, Jiang Cheng and Yanli who quietly watched, concern etched into their faces. Xichen placed a firm and reassuring hand on Wangji's shoulder - he knew how valuable Wei Ying was to him and that he was beating himself inside for not protecting the boy.

As one of the doctors stepped forward to touch Wei Wuxian, he was thrown back by a huge pulse of dark energy and slammed into the far wall before his unconscious form crumpled into a heap on the floor. Shock rippled through the room. He was still unconscious so how was he controlling it? Why couldn't the doctor touch him? 

Taking action, Xichen checked the Doctor's vitals and established that the man was okay, only knocked out and at worst would wake up a bit bruised before calling some disciples to escort him away to recover.

"What just happened?" cried Jiang Cheng

"His subconscious must have felt threatened, maybe it felt he needed to protect himself and that the Doctor was going to hurt him. Either way, it's slightly alarming. For that much power and energy to be released without control..." Xichen trailed off.

Lan Wangji just gazed sadly at Wei Ying, anger for the boy's pain permeating every thought. He understood the situation. He understood that the sheer amount of dark energy Wei Ying could harness was dangerous and damaging to his character. He was aware that the energy would claim Wei Ying's soul and purity as a victim. But he also understood how the energy had and continued to give the boy a sense of protection and a way to live on. He was aware that perhaps it was too late to be able to change it. Unfair to strip him of the thing that had been there when they were not. 

Wei Ying would never want to live as a burden to others, watching helpless on the sidelines as others risked their lives to protect his. Lan Zhan had sensed that something was inhibiting Wei Ying's use of his core since they had reunited but guessed it was a temporary consequence of being drowned in dark energy for so long. To be able to use spiritual energy, a cultivator had to maintain a calm and regulated mental state and a solid foundation which would have been impossible given Wei Ying's state, so he completely understood and didn't blame him at all for the issue.

He would never blame Wei Ying for anything.

Drawn back to the present, he watched as a second doctor cautiously inched forward to examine Wei Ying but the process repeated and the result was the same. Over and over again, they attempted different methods but each time the doctors ended up in the same situation and before long, they had exhausted the group.

"What do we do now?" inquired Jiang Cheng

"I don't know but we need to at least check his heart rate and breathing"

"I'll try" said Lan Zhan

And he did. He walked calmly up to Wei Ying before carefully reaching for his hand. Tension built up waiting for the moment of contact.


Nothing happened. Collectively they breathed a sigh of relief, all except for Jiang Cheng whose eyes burned with an unknown emotion. 

"Perhaps he doesn't feel threatened by you?"

"It's probably just because a strong enough core to suppress it. I'm sure it'll work if I go too", argued Jiang Cheng before being stopped by Yanli.

"Just leave it A-Cheng. You don't want to overwhelm him" , she said. 

He looked like he was going to protest but she shot him a disapproving look.

"Wangji check his pulse and breathing" 

Lan Zhan was not a doctor but he did his best. The pulse was normal so he lent down to check Wei Ying's breathing rate. It seemed normal and as he was about to pull away, he felt an arm wrap around his waist.


Author's Note

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