Chapter 48

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3rd Person POV

"But I don't want to leave Mama. I loves Mama!", Sniffled A-Yuan into Lan Zhan's robes.

"You will never be alone. Mama will always be with you in your heart watching over you and guiding you. As long as you promise not to forget Mama, he will live on in your memory." Responded Lan Zhan.

The group were moved almost to tears seeing such a young, pure family reduced to this unfortunate state. The eloquence and beauty of how Wangji had explained the situation to his child awe inspiring. 

Now that A-Yuan had somewhat calmed down. He turned around and finally acknowledged the rest of the group. He had not seen any of the individuals before since Granny had kept him out of the way for a couple of days. He could see a man who looked just like his Papa stood on the left of the group. He was tall, handsome and warm but slightly unsettling in the familiar resemblance. 

"Nice to meet you, I am Lan Yuan - son of Hanguang-jun and Wei Wuxian. Please to meets you."

He bowed. His calm demeanour echoing his father's in every sense. Wise beyond his time; a talent, so precious.

"You must be my Papa's Shixiong - Zewujun. And you must be Mama's Shidi and Shijie."

They all smiled except Jiang Cheng who was still struggling to establish in his mind the fact that his brother had somehow acquired a child. Moreover, said child looked exactly as he would expect - a perfect mixture of the couple's physical and behavioural traits.

"No need for the formalities, you may call me Uncle if you are willing." Said Zewujun, smiling happily.

"And call me Aunty", said a teary Yanli.

"Aunty. Uncle. Mama and Papa talks about you lots. Mama misses Shidi and Shijie. He said Shijie is most beautiful lady in the world and Shidi is bravest and cool and cute cause he... he pretends not to care but he does. Mama always says that I should meets you."

Jiang Cheng looked flustered yet touched. Yanli cried.

"Come here baby! Aunty loves you so much. You're so sweet and I'm sorry we only just met!"

A-yuan did as he was told and ran into Yanli's warm embrace. She smelled comfortingly of flowers and familiarity. He felt like he could stay there forever but instead - not wanting to be impolite - he retreated to hugging his Papa's legs.

Then Jiang Cheng spoke up in his usual brash tone.

"How do you and Wei Ying have a child that looks so much like you both. Did you just find him on the streets or what? You two are both men so you couldn't-"

Yanli covered his mouth to shut him up, everyone turning slightly red at the implications behind what was unsaid.

"A-Cheng," hissed Yanli,"there's a child!", She reprimanded."What if he misunderstands?"

Lan Zhan stood, the tips of his ears slightly flushed as he responded.

"Actually, he is our biological child. Wei Ying got pregnant and gave birth to our Baby himself."

No further questions were asked and Jiang Cheng took the opportunity to shut up. Eventually, after some more awkward small talk, they all left to get ready for the funeral.


The funeral was quiet and simple followed by a feast in the main hall. Everyone ate in the way that they had gotten accustomed to - sitting together in a group or circle on the floor, sharing food, chatting... with no regard for social hierarchy and a strong sense of family. Finally, the only thing left to do was to follow Wei Ying's instructions he wrote before he died.

They were stored in a small envelope and just as the seal was broken, the talisman within activated shocking the group.

Now, in front of them, appeared a life size figure of Wei Ying. The hall went silent.

"Mama? MAMA!", shouted Lan Yuan excitedly.

"Wei Ying?"

It was a very unexpected sight. 

"If you are seeing this, it means I have died. Do not be sad. It's okay. Time will pass to heal the wound. In my absence, other's will fill the gaps. I will fade into a scar of the past. I repeat, please don't feel sad at this loss for it is not a loss on many levels. I hope that perhaps it has allowed for a bridge to be made to join my families of new and old and remove the prejudice and bias of the outside world.

I know for many of you, I did not get to say a proper goodbye and I'm sorry - this I hope will make amends in some ways. I do not know who has attended my funeral so if they aren't here, I hope you can spread my message to the desired recipient.

Firstly, I'm sorry Shijie that I couldn't be there for you and watch as you took those big steps into your new life. I hope and trust that you will be happy and that the Peacock will look after you."

The figure chuckled slightly.

"I hope you will live to raise a family of beautiful and strong children and will live with no regrets. I hope A-yuan will take you as his loving Aunt and will love you as much as I do.

A-Cheng, I hope you are here. I don't think Shijie would let you miss it. I know I have caused you so much emotional trauma and damage over the years and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me at some point. I am forever indebted to you and your family for their continued kindness. Having a brother like you is a privilege that I would wish upon everyone. Have no regrets - at least now you will be able to get a dog!

Zewu-jun, ha ha... Sorry for stealing your brother away from you! I am afraid I was rather too dependant on him these past few months. I wish you happiness in future and I hope you can accept me and my son into your family.

Wen Qing, Wen Ning, my new family - Granny, Uncle four... I am so lucky to have spent these past few years with such an open and accepting group of people. I am not sure who really saved who and I am grateful that with you, I managed to get my life back from that really bad place. I wish you all peace for the future.

A-Yuan! A-Yuan baby, Mama misses you so so so so so so so so so much! You must always remember that! I'm sorry I had to leave you so early but promise me one thing, you won't hate me for it. I hope you keep fond memories of your Mother with you and remember, I will be there guarding you from above in the stars!"

Tears fell from the figures eyes and Wei Ying's voice was starting to crack and pitch - signalling to the crowd the man's struggle for composure.

"Lastly, Lan Zhan, honey, hubby, I already miss you and I haven't even left. I am sorry for what I will do. I am sorry for the pain you feel every time you see me: every time you see how I have and am struggling. Never blame yourself! Look to the future with joy and raise my son well. I know you will always be there for my people to protect them from harm and persecution. Don't tire yourself out! You better live a long and happy life or I will seek out your spirit and punish it for disobeying my actual last wishes!

Oh, and finally, I almost forgot, for Jin Guangshan. To be honest, I think even if he had attended, Lan Zhan would have kicked him out by now. Or perhaps you are there? Either way, (Lan Zhan, cover A-Yuan's ears NOW!), go f*ck yourself you whoring little sluttish sh*t of a man. You b*stard! I hope you rot and die in the pits of hell! 

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