Chapter 34

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3rd Person POV

Wen Qing was worried. She felt a huge sense of responsibility and guilt for causing Wei Ying to defect from his sect; she was the sole reason that he had been exiled from society. Of course, Wei Ying always told her that it wasn't her fault, that someday something would have pushed him over the edge, but still she hated that she was the catalyst.

She couldn't rest all day after Wei Ying left for the fight. She new it was staged to a large degree but it was still dangerous and Jiang Cheng needed to show physical evidence to his supporters and sister to allow him to remove Wei Wuxian from the Sect. Everything seemed ominous from the weather to the atmosphere. In addition, the loud cashing noises could be heard even from the distance, but she knew this was not something she could interfere with and that made it even worse.

When by nightfall, Wei Ying still hadn't reached the Sect, she decided she needed to go out and look for him: the battle wouldn't have lasted that long. Without alerting the others, she dismissed herself from supper and paced along the dangerous path to the battle sight. She searched for what felt like hours without finding anything and she'd traced all possible paths she could think of, but still the man did not appear. 

She knew she shouldn't get worked up - it would hinder rather than help any of her decisions - but all of the guilt had built up and needed an exit. She cried. It surprised her. She never cried. It led to a realisation of how important and influential this boy was to her even to the point where she loved him like her own biological family. Returning back to the village, a search party was launched.

The impermeable blackness of night had fully descended when the first news came. They had found him finally. Tears of relief replaced the old tears of pain. But somehow, they didn't look relieved - the ones that bared the news. Shouldn't they have been relieved?

Eventually, fourth uncle arrived with the prone form in his arms. There was blood everywhere and it quickly processed how serious the situation was. Wei Ying was essentially a non-cultivator with a large stomach laceration, who due to unknown factors (probably pain or blood loss) was unconscious. She quickly converted into full doctor mode as was necessary if she wanted to save him. It was to be a long and hard night.


(Many days later...)

When Wei Ying finally opened his eyes, he felt like he was awaking from the deepest sleep he'd had in years. Waiting for his body to adjust and wake up, his memories rushed in. How did he get back here? 

He looked around to find himself in his chambers. To his left, Wen Qing was slumped asleep against his bed. Ahh... he would let her sleep until she naturally woke up; she must have been exhausted after having to deal with him. Looking down he could see that his wound had been cleaned and bandaged.

After a while, Wen Qing woke up. When she noticed that Wei Ying had woken up she pulled him into a tight hug as Wei Ying grimaced. Well that was uncharacteristically affectionate of her. She quickly let go embarrassed and left to go fetch some tonic and medicine for Wei Ying to drink. 

When she came back, she seemed back to her usual self. To say she was angry was a bit of an understatement - she immediately launched into a long rant at Wei Ying whilst simultaneously forcing some vile, bitter concoction down his throat. 

Once that was over, Wei Ying finally managed to ask some questions. How long was he out? Would his injuries heal? Was there any news from outside?... At this point Wen Qing got a little quiet.

"You have been unconscious for 4 days, No news from the outside... And I have some news to tell you..."

"Go on, what is it? What's it about?"

"It's sort of about you. When I was fixing you up, I noticed somethings. Didn't you say that recently you always felt ill and nauseous?"

"I suppose so"

"Well, I think I know the cause. Wei Ying, you appear to be pregnant..."


Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait and short chapter. Please don't question the science behind this, just trust that it happened. Anyway, please vote and comment. Also, I have a question for people, what is your favourite bl couple (can be from anything, novels, dramas...)?

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