chapter thirty-seven

Start from the beginning

"How are you really?"

Ivy sighed, "I'm hanging on."

Liam patted the empty side of the bed next to him for Ivy to take a seat. "Talk to me," he let out softly.

Ivy shrugged her shoulders as she sat down next to him. "I'm hanging on. I guess I'm still trying to get a grip on everything that happened these past two months."

Liam nodded his head in understanding as Ivy carried on. "I lost myself, Liam... I did for a long while, I just never really realized it. You know I thought I was over Aiden's death. But I realized I'm never going to be over it.

Sure I may move on, but his death will forever always be a part of me. And I think I'm okay with that. I just don't like how it took me so long for me to get to this point you know. Though I could have probably done it without betraying you guys and siding with Theo for awhile."

"Ivy, you know none of us blame you for that. You weren't yourself."

"I know, but still. Just thinking about it sucks, you know."

Liam nods. "You know what does matter. It's that you're you, Ivy Steiner. A badass half-witch, half-werewolf." Ivy chuckled, as Liam continued. "No matter what happens, you always find a way to get through it. It's what I love about you, you never give up. You're stubborn and ambitious and I could continue going on, but I think you understand my point." Ivy smiled as she nodded.

"But what I guess that I'm trying to say is that you're not alone, no matter what. You're always going to have me, your brother Ethan, Scott, Stiles, the whole pack. You're never alone."

Ivy smiled, as she wrapped her arms around Liam's neck, and hugged him. She didn't know how much she needed to hear those words from someone. From someone who loved her.


Ivy walked downstairs with her backpack on her back and her duffle bag on her shoulder. Liam was following behind her with her suitcase. The pair reached the living room where Scott, Stiles, and Lydia were waiting for them.

Ivy sent them a smile as she placed her duffle bag on the floor, along with her backpack.

"You all packed up?" Lydia asked, to which Ivy nodded. "Pretty sure I got everything."

"You want us to give you a ride to the airport?" Scott asked.

"Uhh, actually, Ethan told me to wait for Killian. I think he has my boarding pass or something," Ivy informed them.

"Boarding pass, please," Killian stated, appearing out of thin air.

"How the hell do you do that?" Stiles asked, still not used to seeing Killian appear out of nowhere.

"Magic," Killian replied while Stiles gave him a glare. Killian shrugged his shoulders in surrender.

"Well, little Steiner, I hope you're all ready to go."

Ivy nodded, "I am."

"I hope you have a nice outfit packed," Killian stated.

"Huh?" Ivy confusedly asked.

Killian smiled, "You didn't hear this from me but I'm pretty certain that you're going to end up meeting a certain 'J' on this trip."

Ivy's eyes widened, "Wait. Are you serious?"

Killian nodded and Ivy quickly grabbed her duffle bag up from off the ground and rushed back to her bedroom to stuff some 'nice' clothes into the bag.

Liam chuckled at his girlfriend's actions. He knew how badly she wanted to meet her brother's boyfriend. Not even five minutes later Ivy was already back in the living room with the rest of them and her duffel bag.

"Okay, now I'm all good to go." Ivy watched as magic began to spill out of Killian's hands. "Wait, we're going by magic? I thought we were going to the airport?"

Killian turned to Ivy, "Did Ethan ever mention anything about planes?"

Ivy frowned, "Uh, Ethan wasn't very specific about how I was getting back to London."

"Well, lil Steiner, magic."

Ivy playfully rolled her eyes before going over to Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Melissa, who had just shown up and said her goodbyes to them. Though Ivy had a feeling she'll be back soon enough.

She then turned to Liam and gave him a smile, which he gladly returned. Liam couldn't help himself but stare into Ivy's soft yet fearless blue eyes.

"Keep me updated, will you?" Liam asked.


Ivy pulled Liam in for a kiss. As their lips reunited with one another, their pace went from slow to rough but with a hint of softness and tenderness to it. Heat rose between their cheeks.

Ivy enjoyed kisses like this with Liam. Ones that were meant to linger until the pair saw one another again. Kisses meant to be remembered.

"I love you, Ivy."

"I love you, Liam." The couple embraced one another in a hug before Ivy pulled away and picked up her bags from the ground.

Killian grabbed Ivy's suitcase from Liam, before opening up a portal. He turns to Ivy, "You ready for your training to begin?" Ivy nodded as the pair walked through the portal as they made their way back to London, where Ethan awaited their arrival.

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