Chapter •[7]•

Start from the beginning

(A- I made the name up.)

Oh, hell no!

"What did y'all just say?! Don't even think about it!"

The turned in astonishment to see me standing there, they started to nervously laugh and try to back-away.

"Y-Y/n your b-back...earlier than e-expected..."

I smirked.

"Really? You noticed."

They got up and ran while I chased them around, we laughed while they ran through the house.

Somehow Mugami got caught up in this madness and was running with the girls.

It was fun.


Good grief, this day couldn't get worse.

First Nendou and Kaidou come and invade my house, then mom and dad running around the house trying to renovate the house.

Then my brother comes and bothers me, this is his 700ᵀᴴ time trying to limit my powers.

Though it seemed to have failed.

Then Toritsuka came to show off his dirty magazines, and tried to make me pick one. Then the girls came to try and invite me to a sleepover to which I declined.

Who am I missing?

Oh, wait I haven't seen Y/n at all today even at school she didn't come up to talk to me like she usually does.

Now walking to my room, I walked into see two coffee jellies on my desk with a hand-written note that was signed by, none other then Y/n herself.

The note said:

'Hey, I was in the store and saw coffee jelly it reminded me of you. So I bought you some, hope you enjoy it, it's the expensive kind just how you like it. <3

                     Always and Forever
                                      Y/n Bakugo'

She bought me coffee jelly, just because it reminded her of me?

This girl, what is she doing to me?


Since it's been like what 4 months?

Can I call Saiki Kusuo? Imma do it just to see his reaction.

I walked into school and heard a bunch of people murmuring, something about a student finally coming back.

To be honest it's probably just Saiko coming back to claim Teruhashi's love, which I don't mind.

"Y-Y/n! Hey!"

A voice pulled me from my thoughts, I turned to see it was Kaidou.

"Hey Kaidou, need something?"

"Yeah, the teacher wanted to see you before class started."

I frowned, what did I do this time?

I nodded and walked to the faculty office, I made some pit-stops along the way to greet a few people.

Once there I slide the door open and bowed to the teachers that turned to me, I walked up to my home room teacher.

I bowed and she fully turned to face me.

"You needed me?"

"Yes, Y/n it's been only 4 months that you've been here and you have shown great improvement. Since Saiko, one of your classmates, has been absent quite a lot I wanted you to help him catch up on some work. That is if you want?"

I knew from experience that this wasn't an actual question, it was more of demand.

"Of course."

She nodded happily and I walked away, once out in the hallway I checked the time.

I've got just enough time.

I wanted to go complain to Saiki about the whole Saiko thing, but first I had to find him.

I went to the rooftop and found him looked down at some students.


He turned to me.

'Why are you here?"

I smiled and walked up to him.

"The teacher is making me help Saiko with catch-up work."

'Sucks to be you.'

I giggled and nodded, we stood in comfortable silence.

Ding dong.

I looked over to Saiki and smiled, I said bye then left to go to my class.


Hope you enjoyed, I'll be doing a Christmas Special in my next chapter. I wanted to just inform y'all just incase you didn't want to read it. (No worries I'm not going to get butthurt by it)

Anyways! Bye!


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