Christmas L.G.

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Lexie and Y/n have been dating for around 4 months now and it's now the happiest time. Christmas time.  They both work at Seattle grace mercy west hospital where Lexie is a surgical intern and Y/n is a surgical resident.

"I have no clue what to get her." Y/n says to Meredith.

"What makes you think I would know. I've only know her for like a second." She replied sarcastically.

"You're her sister. You should know!" Y/n argued back. She knew that Meredith and Lexie did barely know each other but they're still sisters and she figured Meredith would at least know something.

"And you're her girlfriend. You should know!" Just as soon as she finishes her sentence, Meredith's pager beeps.  "i've Got to go see you later." She says before speeding off to what're she was paged for.

"I still need your help!" Y/n called out before Meredith left.

~ a little later~

Y/n is looking at an MRI scan when Lexie comes in.

"Hey!" Lexie excites with a grin on her face. She kisses her on the cheek.

"Hey, lex." Y/n says monotony. 

"What's wrong?" Lexie asks with a concerned look on her face.

"This guy has a massive brain tumor and Derek isn't answering my pages." Derek is and has always been Y/n's mentor since she first arrived as an intern. Her father was a brilliant neuro surgeon before he passed. 

"I'm sorry." She wraps her arms around Y/n's waist and gives her a hug.

"Thanks, Lex. Hey, i know this
might be semi crazy and all since we practically just started dating, but do you want to spend Christmas together? Me and my dad always had this tradition on the night of Christmas eve to order Chinese food and watch home alone." Lexie had a huge grin planted on her face.

"Y/n, i would love nothing more. Plus i really love Chinese food." After hearing Lexie's answer, Y/n returned the smile with one just as bright as her girlfriends.

"Now the real question is which home alone? The original or the one in New York?"

"We have the whole night." Lexie said extending the 'o' in whole. "Why not both?"

"And you won't fall asleep during the movie? I know how much you like to sleep then." Lexie let out a small laugh.

"I promise." She said sticking out her pinkie finger. Y/n grabbed Lexies pinkie with her own.

"Hello, sorry i'm late." A familiar voice said from behind the two girls. They both turned around to see Derek.

"Dr Shepherd, finally. You haven't been answering my pages."

"Yes, i'm sorry i was preoccupied." Y/n just nodded her head at him. Derek grabbed the scan from her and stuck it on the light. 

"This is patient Jeffery Fogler. I did the scan around an hour ago."

"Alright he needs surgery as soon as possible. Grey, get me an OR. Y/l/n, start prepping the patient."

"Dr Shepherd can we scrub in?" Y/n asked.

"Of course. You found the tumor. Plus i'm in a good mood." After that he walked out of the room.

"I wonder why." Y/n said sarcastically.

"Ew, that's my sister." Y/n just started laughing.

After the surgery both girls had the night off so they decided to go back to Y/n's apartment.

Y/n walks over to her couch where Lexie is and hands her a glass of wine. She plops herself on the couch next to her and they cuddle up to each other.

"That surgery was so cool! I mean, did you see how big that tumor was? Well, obviously you did because you were right there, but still! And god did that take forever. My feet are still sore from standing in the same place for that long!" Lexie continued to ramble on about the surgery until she cuts herself off when she sees Y/n staring at her with a slight smile. "What?"

"Your cute."

"Oh, stop it. I'm sorry if i was rambling."

"Lexie, i love your little rants about the things you did for the day. I love hearing about how awesome you are. Because you are awesome and i am so great full for you." Lexies face turned a light shade of pink and she turned her head away. Y/n grabbed the brunette's chin and gently lifted it towards her to see her. "You are so god damn cute." Y/n leans in a little and places a small kiss on her lips.

"I am so grateful for you, Y/n. You make my world go round'."

"I am also just as, or even more, great full for you, Lex." As a slower Christmas song played from the radio from behind them, Lexie stood up and held her hand out.

"Dance with me." Y/n let a small chuckle escape her lips and grabbed her girlfriends hand and got up. Lexie placed her hands on Y/n's waist while Y/n let her hands rest over her girlfriend shoulders.

The two girls just danced around listening to the slow music fill their ears while they rested both of their foreheads upon one another.

"Merry Christmas, Lex."

"Merry Christmas, Y/n."


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