S.E. Prank War

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Every single year Stephanie and Y/n would always have a prank war. Whenever the month of April came along, that's when it starts.

They had known each other before from going to med school together and, luckily, got into the same internship program at Grey-Sloan memorial hospital. So, they had been friends for a while.

Y/n saw Stephanie at the norse's counter and walked over.

"Hello, Dr. Edwards." She said standing right next to them.

"Y/n. I'm gonna get you back so bad you will regret what you did." Stephanie said before walking away.

"What was that about?" Leah asked.

"Oh no. Heather, what month is it?" Jo asked slightly worried.

"April, why?" Jo groaned in annoyance.

"Every April they have a stupid, idiotic prank war for the whole month. The entirety of it."

"Correct, and i have a list of pranks with Steph's name of it. I am so going to win!"

"Once it's May do you just stop?" Shane asked.

"Well, yeah. But, the rules are we prank each other back and forth until someone forfeits and accepts the loss or until the lot has is over."

"It's stupid and annoying. And. now we all live together. I swear if a prank backfires and gets me instead, i am unleashing hellfire upon the both of you." Jo says. Everyone laughs.

"Ok, mom." Again they all laugh except for Jo who just stares at Y/n clearly annoyed. Y/n's pager beeps.
"I've got to go, see you later." Y/n speed walks down the hall.

She stops when she gets to a patients room.

"Dr. Y/l/n!" The child on the bed says.

"Henry! What's up, buddy?" They high five. Y/n had been taking care of henry for several months now. It was like she was his personal intern. She always stepped up and took care of him whenever she could. I mean, he is a 7 year old with stage 4 leukemia. How could you say no?

"Dr. Y/l/n, i got more chemo treatment today and i'm kinda exhausted. And bored. Entertain me?"

"Henry we talked about this, you can't get me pages just because your bored. But, how would you like to help prank my best friend?" His fave lit up.


"Ok, you start running ideas through your mind and i'll come back later."

"Ok." He said. Y/n left the room.

~ a little while later ~

Y/n went back into Henry's room.

"Hey, bud! Got anything?"

"Well, i have multiple ideas."

"Tell me everyone of them."

He went off saying all his different ideas on pranks. Some good, some bad, some would get Y/n fired but, they both settled upon one. A classic clear wrap on the door prank.

Y/n went to the interns lounge grabbed the clear wrap and went back to the room. She set it up on only the middle if the doorway hoping she doesn't see it.

"Ok, i think i'm done. Let's go over the plan." Y/n said. He sat up higher intrigued and excited to do the prank. "Ok, so i'm going to unplug you from the machine that tracks your heart rate making it sound like a flatline. You know, the beeeeeep. All of the nurses on the floor will know it's a prank so don't worry nothing bad will happen. Then i will get a code blue page while with Dr. Edwards and we will run together her first right into the wrap."

"This is going to be amazing!" he said.

"I know! We're going to get her so well." Henry looked up at her.

"Do you like Dr. Edwards?" He asked.

"Yeah of course, she's my best friend."

"Well, yeah. But do you like like her?" Y/n was kinda shocked by what he said. He thought she liked her. As more then just a friend.

"What? No! No way! Your crazy." He gave her look as if he wasn't buying it what so ever. "I don't. Let's just do this."

Y/n walked out of the room careful not to ruin the clear wrap. She had nurses keep watch to know where Stephanie was so she could find her. One of the best ways to use your connection with the nurses.

"Hey, Steph." Y/n said walking next to her.

"Oh no. What is it going to be?" She said clearly worried about a prank about to happen.

"Stephanie we may be immature for doing a prank war in the first place, but i would never fall down to the level of doing it at work."

"Thank god." Y/n just smiled. He page beeped. She checked it innocently like it wouldn't be what she thought it was. "Shit! Code blue with my patient, Henry!" She started running and so did Stephanie. Stephanie got in the lead as they came across the room with the flatline beep. Stephanie ur came running in hitting her stomach on the clear wrap casuarina her to recoil back a little.

Henry and Y/n were Dying laughing. She went in the room to high five henry.

"So much for no pranks at work." She said in an annoyed voice.

"In my defense, it was all this kids idea. You are great at playing dead, henry." He smiled widely.

"Sorry Dr. Edwards but that was the best thing i have seen in a while!" He said laughing a little more. Her stuff annoyed face melted down a little to a more calm face. She is beautiful.

"Dr. Y/l/n, let's go." Stephanie said.

"I think your in trouble." Henry whispered to her.

"Yeah me too. Totally worth it though." They High-fived again before Y/n followed Stephanie out of the room and into an on-call room.

"Really?" Stephanie said. "Dragging a sick kid into this?"

"He was sad and his mom was at work so he was bored. I was killing two birds with one stone."

"You have such a big heart, Y/n. Your so good with Henry." She could feel her cheeks growing red and her stomach doing flips. Stephanie stepped closer.
"I have always admired that about you." She stepped closer again. "I admire you." She said as she took a final step forward.

Their faces were now inches apart.


"I admire everything about you. Your beauty, your personality, the way you light up a room just but stepping inside. I admire you." Y/n pushed her lips against Stephanie's finally breaking the tension they had. Once they pulled away they just held each other.

"Prank war over?" Stephanie asked. Y/n laughed a little.

"Prank war over."

"Good i ran out of ideas."

"I have an entire list."

"Oh no."

A/n: Hey ther gorgeous humans! I'm back and better than ever! I have missed you all so much. I am going to be doing some major re writing on this story and other stories of mine so i thought i would give an update to make up for the time i've been gone. I love you all so much and cherish you guys. Hope you enjoyed!

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