Marriage A.K.

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Y/n was walking down the hall of the hospital in when she sees her girlfriend April.

"Hey, babe!" Y/n says excitedly.

"Hey! You're peppy today."

"Why wouldn't I be? I have the best job and the best girlfriend." Y/n kisses April on the nose. April giggles.

"And I do too. What happened?"

"I might have gotten my first solo surgery."
This was big for Y/n. Although April was an attending Y/n was only a 1st year resident so this was very big.

"What? That amazing!" April hugs Y/n very tightly.

"Ok, hun if you squeeze me to death I won't be able to do the surgery." April just laughs and let's go.

"So, what's the surgery?"

"It's kinda simple but a Cholecystectomy."

"Sweet you get to remove someone's gall bladder all alone?"

"Yep! Only me and surgical nurses."

"I'm so proud of you, Y/n." April hugs Y/n once again.

"We're back to this?"

"I'm just so proud of you."


Y/n storms into the on call room April is in. She turns on the lights and April wakes up shielding
her eyes from the lights.

"Y/n? What's wrong?"

"Bailey took my surgery!" April sits up.

"What? How?"

"Hunt gave it to her! I can't believe it!" April stands up and sits Y/n down on the bed.

"Y/n, don't take this the wrong way but it's not the end of the world. It's just a surgery." Y/n stared at her not having the same jubilant look as she did earlier.

"It's just a surgery? Are you kidding me! This was my big opportunity! My chance to prove myself! A-and I just get it taken away from me and my own girlfriend isn't even on my own side!"


"No! I don't want to hear it." Y/n storms out of the on call room. April sighs.


April walks in the door of hers and Y/n's apartment. She sets down her stuff then walks into the bedroom to see Y/n packing a bag.

"What are you doing?" April asks her.

"Packing a bag."

"Uh, yeah I see that. But why?" Y/n stops what she's doing to turn and look at April.

"Because every time I see you i think how you are never on my side!"

"What? All I said was it's one surgery!"

"But it's one important surgery! Why can't you understand?"

"Can you tell me where your going at least?"

"A hotel. I need some time to myself." April's heart sunk at that very moment.

"So what? Are you breaking up with me or something? Over a stupid surgery?"

"Why can't you understand that it's not stupid to me! I thought dating a surgeon would be better so you can share your passion but you just don't understand!"

"Are you breaking up with me or not?" April says quietly.

"I don't know." Y/n picks up her bags and leaves. One April hears the door shut she finally releases all the emotion she was feeling and just lays down and cry's. She hears the door open again so she pulls herself together.

"No. You know what? I don't want to break up or spend time apart because I love you. I mean god I didn't know I could live someone this much until I met you. I mean you make my heart happy when I see your smile." Y/n searches her back pocket. She pulls out a ring.

"Listen I know it's not like the biggest ring but I just want to marry you so bad and this is all I can afford at the moment so it's going to have to work for now. April Kenner, I want to marry you so very much. I want to get married in a big ol' church with everyone we care about there. I love you more than I can stand it. And no matter how mad I get at you sometimes I have never stopped living you." Y/n gets down on one knee.

"I was going to do it at a better place than our bedroom but I guess this will have to work. April Kepner, I want to get married, buy a big house, have kids. I want to do it all with you. So, will you marry me?" April's eyes are now filled with all of the tears.

"Yes!" Y/n breathes out a sigh of relief than puts then ring in April's finger and kisses her. "And for the record the ring is beautiful." Y/n laughs.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more."

A/n: I was so excited to do April (well I'm kinda excited to do everybody) because she's such a kind person. And I know I kind of made Y/n a little bit of an ass in the beginning but I hope the end made up for it. As I say in every chapter but no one ever does, please request on the request page! Anyway I hope you all enjoyed! I love you all so much!

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